
Higher-order functors

This file defines higher-order functors and well-formedness properties for them, which are from Johann and Ghani's work on primitive nested types in Haskell (See
Higher-order functors have a functorial structure over higher-order functions.
We use higher-order functor well-formedness properties for stating well-formedness properties over monad transformers, which are higher order functors (similarly to how monads form a functor).
We provide higher-order functor instances for ID, State, and Error transformers and show that the higher-order functor well-formedness properties are closed under nesting these monad transformers.

Higher-order functors

Higher-order functors are higher-order functions that are functorial. It comes with two operations:
  • fmap: non-higher order fmap operator
  • hfmap: higher order fmap operator
Class HFunctor (f : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) := {
  ffmap : forall A B g, Functor g -> (A -> B) -> f g A -> f g B;
  hfmap : forall g h, (g ~> h) -> (f g ~> f h) }.

Arguments ffmap {_ _ _ _ _ _} _ _.
Arguments hfmap {_ _ _ _} F [_].

Higher-order fmap respects eqmR
Definition pointwise_eqmR
    (g h : Type -> Type)
    {g_Monad : Monad g} {h_Monad : Monad h} {g_EqmR : EqmR g} {h_EqmR : EqmR h} : relation (g ~> h).
  repeat intro.
  exact (forall (T1 T2 : Type) x y (RR:T1->T2->Prop), eqmR RR x y -> eqmR RR (X _ x) (X0 _ y)).

Definition pointwise_eqmR_eq
    (g h : Type -> Type)
    {g_Monad : Monad g} {h_Monad : Monad h} {g_EqmR : EqmR g} {h_EqmR : EqmR h} : relation (g ~> h).
  repeat intro.
  exact (forall (T : Type) (x y : g T), eqmR eq x y -> eqmR eq (X _ x) (X0 _ y)).

Class HFmapProperH f (f_Hfunctor : HFunctor f) `{f_WF_MonadTLaws : WF_IterativeMonadT f} : Type :=
  hfmap_properH_ :
    forall (g h : Type -> Type)
      {g_Monad : Monad g} {h_Monad : Monad h} {g_EqmR : EqmR g} {h_EqmR : EqmR h}
      {g_EQM : EQM g _} {h_EQM : EQM h _} X1 X2 RR,
      ProperH (pointwise_eqmR g h ~~> eqmR (m := f g) RR ~~> eqmR (m := f h) RR)
              (fun x => @hfmap f _ g h x X1)
              (fun x => @hfmap f _ g h x X2).

Class HFmapProper f (f_Hfunctor : HFunctor f) `{f_WF_MonadTLaws : WF_IterativeMonadT f} : Type :=
  hfmap_proper_ :
    forall (g h : Type -> Type)
      {g_Monad : Monad g} {h_Monad : Monad h} {g_EqmR : EqmR g} {h_EqmR : EqmR h}
      {g_EQM : EQM g _} {h_EQM : EQM h _} X,
      Proper (pointwise_eqmR_eq g h ==> eqmR (m := f g) eq ==> eqmR (m := f h) eq)
             (fun x => @hfmap f _ g h x X).

Class HFmapMorphProper f (f_Hfunctor : HFunctor f) `{f_WF_MonadTLaws : WF_IterativeMonadT f} : Type :=
  hfmap_morph_proper_ :
    forall (g h : Type -> Type)
      {g_Monad : Monad g} {h_Monad : Monad h} {g_EqmR : EqmR g} {h_EqmR : EqmR h}
      {g_EQM : EQM g _} {h_EQM : EQM h _} (f : g ~> h) (f_Proper: @MorphProper _ _ _ _ f),
      @MorphProper _ _ _ _ (hfmap f).

Higher-order functor laws

Higher-order functors satisfy should satisfy functor laws, form a natural transformation when lifting functions that operate on monads, and respect eqmR.
  • hfmap_id and hfmap_comp are functor laws
  • hfmap_nat states that if when lifting a functor F that operate on monads, the higher-order functor should form a monad morphism, i.e. commute with ret and bind
  • hfmap_proper states that the functor respects eqmR.
Class HFunctorLaws (f : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type)
      {f_Hfunctor : HFunctor f}
      `{f_WF_MonadTLaws : WF_IterativeMonadT f} := {
    hfmap_id :
      forall T (g : Type -> Type) `{g_EQM : EQM g} (t : f g T),
        hfmap (fun _ x => x) t ≈{eq} t;
    hfmap_comp :
    forall T (g h i: Type -> Type)
           {g_Monad : Monad g} {h_Monad : Monad h} {i_Monad : Monad i}
           {g_EqmR : EqmR g} {h_EqmR : EqmR h} {i_EqmR : EqmR i}
           {g_EQM : EQM g _} {h_EQM : EQM h _} {i_EQM : EQM i _}
           (f1 : g ~> h) (f2 : h ~> i)
           (f1_Proper: @MorphProper _ _ _ _ f1)
           (f2_Proper: @MorphProper _ _ _ _ f2) (t : f g T),
      hfmap (fun X x => f2 _ (f1 _ x)) t ≈{eq} hfmap f2 (hfmap f1 t);
    hfmap_nat :>
      forall (g h : Type -> Type)
        {g_Monad : Monad g} {h_Monad : Monad h} {g_EqmR : EqmR g} {h_EqmR : EqmR h}
        {g_EQM : EQM g _} {h_EQM : EQM h _}
        (F : forall T, g T -> h T) {F_Nat : MonadMorphism _ _ F},
        MonadMorphism _ _ (hfmap F);
    hfmap_proper :> HFmapProper f f_Hfunctor;
    hfmap_morph_proper :> HFmapMorphProper f f_Hfunctor

Higher-order functor laws for Iterative Monads

Well-formedness properties of higher-order functors w.r.t. iterative monads
  • hfmap_lift states that hfmap commutes with the lift operation on monad transformers
  • hfmap_iter states that given a monad morphism F over iterative monads which commutes with the iter operator, hfmap F also commutes with the iter operator.
Class HFunctorLawsExtra (f : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type)
      {f_Hfunctor : HFunctor f}
      `{f_WF_MonadTLaws : WF_IterativeMonadT f} :=
  { hfmap_lift :
    forall (T : Type) (g h : Type -> Type)
           `{g_IM : WF_IterativeMonad g} `{h_IM : WF_IterativeMonad h}
           (F : g ~> h) {F_MNT : MonadMorphism _ _ F} (t : g T),
      hfmap (f := f) F (EqmRMonadT.lift t) ≈{eq} EqmRMonadT.lift (F _ t);
    hfmap_iter :
    forall (g h : Type -> Type)
           `{g_IM : WF_IterativeMonad g} `{h_IM : WF_IterativeMonad h}
           (F : forall T : Type, g T -> h T),
      @MonadMorphism g h _ _ _ _ F ->
      @IterMorphism g h _ F _ _ ->
      @IterMorphism (f g) (f h) _ (@hfmap _ f_Hfunctor g h F) _ _;

All well-formedness laws for HFunctors that we need for the interpretation theory in InterpFacts.v
Class WF_HFunctor (T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) {T_HFunctor : HFunctor T}
      `{M_IterativeMonadT : WF_IterativeMonadT T}:= {
  T_HFunctorLaws :> HFunctorLaws T;
  T_HFunctorLawsExtra :> HFunctorLawsExtra T; }.

Import Monads.

Instances for HFunctors

State transformer forms a higher-order functor and respects well-formedness laws.
  #[global] Instance stateT_HFunctor {S} : HFunctor (stateT S) :=
  {| ffmap := fun A B g _ f x s => fmap (fun '(s', a) => (s', f a)) (x s);
    hfmap := fun g h f _ x s => f _ (x s) |}.

  #[global] Existing Instance stateT_HFunctor | 0.

  Arguments EqmRMonadT.lift /.

  #[global] Instance stateT_HFunctorLaws {S} {inh_S : inhabited S}:
    @HFunctorLaws (stateT S) _ _ _
                  (stateT_WF_IterativeMonadT inh_S).
    - intros. cbn. intros; subst; eapply reflexivity.
    - intros. cbn. intros; subst; eapply reflexivity.
    - intros; constructor; intros; cbn in *; cycle 1.
      { repeat intro. destruct F_Nat. intros; subst.
        eapply Proper_eqmR_cong. cbn. eapply morph_ret; eauto. eapply reflexivity.
        apply eqmR_ret; eauto. typeclasses eauto. }
      { repeat intro. subst.
        destruct F_Nat. intros; subst. eapply morph_bind; eauto. intros. destruct a, a'.
        inv H1. eapply H0; eauto; eauto.
        all : inv H2; cbn; eauto. }
      { repeat intro. subst. cbn. eapply morph_proper; eauto; try typeclasses eauto. }
      { constructor; try typeclasses eauto. }
      destruct F_Nat. auto.
    - repeat intro. cbn. eapply Proper_eqmR. setoid_rewrite prod_rel_eq.
      eapply H. cbn in H0.
      eapply Proper_eqmR_mono; eauto.
      repeat intro. repeat inv H2 ;eauto.
    - repeat intro. cbn. eapply f_Proper. eauto.

  Definition prod_sum_dist_rel {A B C} : relationH (A * B + A * C) (A * (B + C)) :=
    (fun x '(s, y) => match x with
                    | inl (s', i) =>
                      match y with
                      | inl i' => s' = s /\ i = i' | _ => False
                    | inr (s', r) =>
                      match y with
                      | inr r' => s' = s /\ r = r' | _ => False

  Definition sum_comm_rel {A B C} : relationH (A + (B + C)) (B + (A + C)) :=
    (fun x y => match x, y with
            | inl a, inr (inl a') => a = a'
            | inr (inl b), inl b' => b = b'
            | inr (inr c), inr (inr c') => c = c'
            | _, _ => False

  Arguments prod_sum_dist_rel /.

  Ltac crush :=
    repeat match goal with
            | [ H : (_ * _)%type |- _ ] => destruct H
            | [ H : (_ + _)%type |- _ ] => destruct H

  Ltac done := intros; subst; solve [apply final; reflexivity | crush ; eapply final; crush;
              cbn in *; crush; subst; solve [eauto | tauto | reflexivity]].

  #[global] Instance stateT_HFunctorLawsExt {S} {inh_S : inhabited S} :
    @HFunctorLawsExtra (stateT S) _ _ _
                  (stateT_WF_IterativeMonadT inh_S).
    - repeat intro.
      destruct F_MNT.
      subst. cbn. unfold fmap.
      subst. eapply Proper_eqmR_cong.
      eapply morph_bind. eauto.
      all : repeat intro; subst ; try reflexivity.
      subst. Unshelve. 3 : exact (fun x => ret (s', x)). cbn in H; subst. reflexivity.
      eapply Proper_eqmR. rewrite prod_rel_eq. reflexivity.
      eapply Proper_bind. reflexivity. intros; subst.
      setoid_rewrite morph_ret. reflexivity. eauto.
    - repeat intro. subst.
      eapply Proper_eqmR.
      { rewrite prod_rel_eq; reflexivity. }
      unfold EqmRMonadT.morph in *. cbn in *. subst.
      eapply H0. intros; cbn. destruct i0. cbn in *.
      specialize (H1 i0 s _ eq_refl).
      eapply Proper_eqmR in H1; cycle 1.
      { rewrite prod_rel_eq; reflexivity. }
      etransitivity;cycle 1.
      { eapply Proper_bind with (k1 := fun a2 => ret match snd a2 with
                      | inl i' => inl (fst a2, i')
                      | inr r => inr (fst a2, r)
                      end). eapply H1.
        all : intros; subst; reflexivity. }
      etransitivity; cycle 1.
      { eapply Proper_eqmR_mono; cycle 1.
        { eapply Proper_bind with
              (A1 := (S*I + S*R)%type)
              (RR := prod_sum_dist_rel) (RB := eq) (k1 := ret); try done.
          eapply MM_morph_proper with
              (x := (x <- t i0 s ;; ret match x with
                                        | (s, inl i) => (inl (s, i))
                                        | (s, inr r) => (inr (s, r))
          typeclasses eauto.
          eapply Proper_eqmR_cong.
          2 : symmetry; eapply bind_ret_r. reflexivity.
          eapply Proper_bind with (RR := eq); [ reflexivity | ..]; done. }
        apply subrelation_refl. }
      { destruct g_IM, h_IM, M_EQM, M_EQM0. rename H into F_Nat.
        destruct F_Nat.
        repeat red in MM_morph_bind. cbn in MM_morph_bind.
        rewrite bind_ret_r.
        specialize (MM_morph_bind (S * (I + R))%type _ (S*I + S*R)%type _ eq eq (t i0 s) (t i0 s)).
        erewrite MM_morph_bind; try solve [ done | reflexivity ].
        { eapply Proper_bind; [ reflexivity | .. ]; intros; subst;
          apply MM_morph_ret ; eauto. }
        setoid_rewrite <- bind_ret_r at 5.
        eapply Proper_bind.
        { apply MM_morph_proper. setoid_rewrite <- bind_ret_r at 1.
          eapply Proper_bind with (RB := flip prod_sum_dist_rel); [ reflexivity | .. ]; done. }
        all : done. }

Error transformer forms a higher-order functor and respects well-formedness laws.
  #[global] Instance errorT_HFunctor {exn} : HFunctor (errorT exn) :=
  {| ffmap := fun A B g _ f x =>
      fmap (fun e => match e with
                  | inl e => inl e
                  | inr a => inr (f a)
                  end) x;
    hfmap := fun g h f _ x => f _ x |}.

  #[global] Existing Instance errorT_HFunctor | 0.

  #[global] Instance errorT_HFunctorLaws {exn} : HFunctorLaws (errorT exn).
    - intros. cbn. reflexivity.
    - intros. cbn. reflexivity.
    - constructor; intros; cbn in *;cycle 1.
      { destruct F_Nat. intros; subst. repeat intro.
        eapply Proper_eqmR_cong. cbn. eapply morph_ret; eauto.
        eapply reflexivity. cbn. eapply eqmR_ret; eauto. typeclasses eauto. }
      { destruct F_Nat. repeat intro. cbn.
        eapply Proper_eqmR_cong.
        { eapply morph_bind; [eapply reflexivity | ..].
          intros; subst.
          3 : {
            intros. destruct X. exact (ret (m := g) (inl e)).
            eapply (k a). }
          cbn. reflexivity. shelve.
        eapply Proper_bind. cbn. eapply morph_proper; eauto.
        intros. all : try inv H1; eauto. cbn.
        eapply MM_morph_proper; eauto. }
      { destruct F_Nat. repeat intro. cbn. eapply morph_proper; eauto. }
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.
   - repeat intro. cbn.
      eapply Proper_eqmR. rewrite sum_rel_eq. reflexivity.
      cbn in H0. eapply H.
      eapply Proper_eqmR_mono; eauto.
      repeat intro. repeat inv H1; eauto.
    - repeat intro. cbn. eapply f_Proper. eauto.

  #[global] Instance errorT_HFunctorLawsExt {exn} :
    HFunctorLawsExtra (errorT exn).
    { repeat intro. cbn. unfold fmap.
      destruct F_MNT; eauto.
      eapply Proper_eqmR. rewrite sum_rel_eq. reflexivity.
      subst. etransitivity. eapply morph_bind.
      2 , 3 : repeat intro; try reflexivity. eauto.
      Unshelve. 6 : exact (fun x => ret (inr x)). subst; reflexivity.
      cbn. subst; eapply reflexivity.
      eapply Proper_bind. reflexivity. intros; subst.
      eapply morph_ret. eauto. }
    { repeat intro. cbn in *.
      eapply Proper_eqmR.
      { rewrite sum_rel_eq; reflexivity. }
      unfold EqmRMonadT.morph in *. cbn in *. rename H0 into F_IM.
      eapply F_IM. intros; cbn.
      specialize (H1 i0).
      eapply Proper_eqmR in H1; cycle 1.
      { rewrite sum_rel_eq; reflexivity. }
      rewrite <- H1. rename H into F_Nat. destruct F_Nat. symmetry.
      repeat red in MM_morph_proper; cbn in MM_morph_proper.
      etransitivity; cycle 1.
      { eapply Proper_eqmR_mono; cycle 1.
        { eapply Proper_bind with (RR := sum_comm_rel) (RB := eq) (k1 := ret); try done.
          eapply MM_morph_proper with
                (x := x <- (t i0 : g (exn + (I + R))%type) ;; ret
                          match x with
                              | inl e => inr (inl e)
                              | inr (inl i) => inl i
                              | inr (inr r) => inr (inr r)
          eapply Proper_eqmR_cong; [ reflexivity | ..].
          { cbn. symmetry. apply bind_ret_r. }
          eapply Proper_bind with (RR := eq); [ reflexivity | ..]; done. }
        apply subrelation_refl. }
      { repeat red in MM_morph_bind. cbn in MM_morph_bind.
        rewrite bind_ret_r.
        specialize (MM_morph_bind _ _ (I + (exn + R))%type _ eq eq (t i0) (t i0)).
        erewrite MM_morph_bind; try solve [ done | reflexivity ]. } }

ID transformer forms a higher-order functor and respects well-formedness laws.
  #[global] Instance MonadT_ID : MonadT (fun x : Type -> Type => x).
  econstructor; eauto.
  intros. repeat red. eauto.

  #[global] Instance ID_HFunctor : HFunctor (fun x : Type -> Type => x).
  econstructor; intros; eauto. exact (fmap X0 X1).

  #[global] Program Instance ID_WF_IterativeMonadT : WF_IterativeMonadT (fun x : Type -> Type => x) _ _.
  Next Obligation.
    econstructor; eauto.
    repeat intro; eauto. econstructor; repeat intro; eauto. cbn.
    eapply eqmR_ret; eauto. typeclasses eauto.
    cbn. eapply Proper_bind; eauto.

  #[global] Program Instance ID_WF_HFunctor : WF_HFunctor (fun x : Type -> Type => x).
  Next Obligation.
    econstructor; try typeclasses eauto; repeat intro; eauto; cbn.
    reflexivity. reflexivity.
    repeat intro. cbn. eapply f_Proper. eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    econstructor; try typeclasses eauto; repeat intro; eauto; cbn.

  #[global] Program Instance stateT_WF_HFunctor {S} {inh_S : inhabited S} : WF_HFunctor (stateT S).

  #[global] Program Instance errorT_WF_HFunctor {exn} : WF_HFunctor (errorT exn).

  Lemma stateT_morph_ret:
    forall S : Type, inhabited S ->
      forall (E F : Type -> Type) (f : forall T : Type, E T -> stateT S (itree F) T),
        MorphRet (itree E) (stateT S (itree F)) (itree_interp f).
    intros S inh_S E F f.
    repeat intro.
    rewrite itree_eta. cbn.
    apply eqit_Ret; eauto.

  Definition _interp_state {E F S R}
            (f : E ~> stateT S (itree F)) (ot : itreeF E R _)
    : stateT S (itree F) R := fun s =>
    match ot with
    | RetF r => Ret (s, r)
    | TauF t => Tau (interp f t s)
    | VisF e k => f _ e s >>= (fun sx => Tau (interp f (k (snd sx)) (fst sx)))

  Lemma unfold_interp_state {E F S R} (h : E ~> Monads.stateT S (itree F))
        (t : itree E R) s :
      eq_itree eq
        (interp h t s)
        (_interp_state h (observe t) s).
    unfold interp, Basics.iter, MonadIter_stateT0, Basics.iter, MonadIter_itree; cbn.
    setoid_rewrite unfold_iter; cbn.
    rewrite Eq.bind_bind. setoid_rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l. unfold interp_body.
    destruct observe; cbn; try setoid_rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - reflexivity.
    - setoid_rewrite Eq.bind_bind.
      setoid_rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l. cbn. reflexivity.

  Instance eq_itree_interp_state {E F S R} (h : E ~> Monads.stateT S (itree F)) :
    Proper (eq_itree eq ==> eq ==> eq_itree eq)
          (interp h (T0 := R)).
    revert_until R.
    ginit. gcofix CIH. intros h x y H0 x2 _ [].
    rewrite !unfold_interp_state.
    punfold H0; repeat red in H0.
    destruct H0; subst; pclearbot; try discriminate; cbn.
    - gstep; constructor; auto.
    - gstep; constructor; auto with paco.
    - guclo eqit_clo_bind. econstructor.
      + reflexivity.
      + intros [] _ []. gstep; constructor; auto with paco.

  Instance eutt_interp_state {E F: Type -> Type} {S : Type}
          (h : E ~> Monads.stateT S (itree F)) R RR :
    Proper (eutt RR ==> eq ==> eutt (prod_rel eq RR)) (interp h (T0 :=R)).
    repeat intro. subst. revert_until RR.
    einit. ecofix CIH. intros.

    rewrite !unfold_interp_state. punfold H0. red in H0.
    induction H0; intros; subst; simpl; pclearbot.
    - eret.
    - etau.
    - ebind. econstructor; [reflexivity|].
      intros; subst.
      etau. ebase.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_state; eauto.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_state; eauto.

  Definition euttH_interp_state {E F: Type -> Type} {S : Type}
          (h : E ~> Monads.stateT S (itree F)) R1 R2 RR :
    ProperH (eutt RR ~~> eq ~~> eutt (prod_rel eq RR)) (interp h (T0:=R1)) (interp h (T0:=R2)).
    repeat intro. subst. revert_until RR.
    einit. ecofix CIH. intros.

    rewrite !unfold_interp_state. punfold H0. red in H0.
    induction H0; intros; subst; simpl; pclearbot.
    - eret.
    - etau.
    - ebind. econstructor; [reflexivity|].
      intros; subst.
      etau. ebase.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_state; eauto.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_state; eauto.

  Lemma interp_state_tau {E F : Type -> Type} S {T : Type}
        (t : itree E T) (h : E ~> Monads.stateT S (itree F)) (s : S)
    : interp h (Tau t) s Tau (interp h t s).
    rewrite unfold_interp_state; reflexivity.

  Lemma interp_state_vis {E F : Type -> Type} {S T U : Type}
        (e : E T) (k : T -> itree E U) (h : E ~> Monads.stateT S (itree F)) (s : S)
    : interp h (Vis e k) s
     h T e s >>= fun sx => Tau (interp h (k (snd sx)) (fst sx)).
    rewrite unfold_interp_state; reflexivity.

  Lemma interp_state_bind {E F : Type -> Type} {A B S : Type}
        (f : E ~> Monads.stateT S (itree F))
        (t : itree E A) (k : A -> itree E B)
        (s : S) :
    (interp f (t >>= k) s)
      (interp f t s >>= fun st => interp f (k (snd st)) (fst st)).
    revert t k s.
    ginit. pcofix CIH.
    intros t k s.
    setoid_rewrite unfold_bind at 1.
    setoid_rewrite (unfold_interp_state f _) at 2.
    destruct (observe t).
    - cbn. rewrite !Eq.bind_ret_l. cbn.
      apply reflexivity.
    - cbn. rewrite !bind_tau, interp_state_tau.
      gstep. red. apply EqTau. gbase. apply CIH.
    - cbn. rewrite interp_state_vis, Eq.bind_bind.
      guclo eqit_clo_bind. econstructor.
      + reflexivity.
      + intros u2 ? [].
        rewrite bind_tau.
        gstep; constructor.
        auto with paco.

  Lemma stateT_morph_bind:
    forall S : Type,
      inhabited S ->
      forall (E F : Type -> Type) (f : forall T : Type, E T -> stateT S (itree F) T),
        MorphBind (itree E) (stateT S (itree F)) (itree_interp f).
    repeat intro. setoid_rewrite interp_state_bind.
    eapply eutt_clo_bind; eauto.
    eapply euttH_interp_state; eauto.
    eapply euttH_interp_state; eauto; inv H3; eauto.
    cbn. eapply H1; eauto.

  (* These are the base interpretations into state and error monads. *)
  #[global] Instance stateT_MonadMorphism :
    forall S {inh_S : inhabited S} (E F : Type -> Type) (f : E ~> stateT S (itree F)),
      MonadMorphism _ _ (itree_interp f).
    constructor; [ typeclasses eauto |
                  apply stateT_morph_ret; eauto |
                  apply stateT_morph_bind; eauto | ..].
    repeat intro. eapply euttH_interp_state; eauto.

  #[global] Instance stateT_IterMorphism:
    forall S {inh_S : inhabited S} (E F : Type -> Type) (f : E ~> stateT S (itree F)),
      IterMorphism (itree_interp f).
    unfold IterMorphism. cbn. setoid_rewrite prod_rel_eq.
    ginit. gcofix CIH; intros. cbn.
    setoid_rewrite unfold_iter at 2.
    setoid_rewrite unfold_iter at 2. cbn.
    rewrite !Eq.bind_bind.
    setoid_rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l.
    pose proof @interp_state_bind. setoid_rewrite H. clear H.
    guclo eqit_clo_bind; econstructor; eauto.
    - apply H0; eauto.
    - intros [s'' [|]] [s''' [ |]] []; cbn; subst.
      + subst. setoid_rewrite interp_state_tau.
        gstep; constructor. gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto.
      + subst. setoid_rewrite interp_state_tau.
        gstep; constructor. gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto.
      + pose proof @stateT_morph_ret. cbn in H. unfold MorphRet in H.
        unfold morph in H.
        specialize (H S _ E F f R _ eq r0 _ eq_refl s'' _ eq_refl).
        gfinal. right. cbn in H. rewrite prod_rel_eq in H.
        eapply paco2_mon; eauto; intros; contradiction.
      + pose proof @stateT_morph_ret. cbn in H. unfold MorphRet in H.
        unfold morph in H.
        specialize (H S _ E F f R _ eq r0 _ eq_refl s'' _ eq_refl).
        gfinal. right. cbn in H. rewrite prod_rel_eq in H.
        eapply paco2_mon; eauto; intros; contradiction.

Unfolding of interp_errorT.
  Definition _interp_errorT {exn E F R} (f : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)) (ot : itreeF E R _)
    : errorT exn (itree F) R :=
    match ot with
    | RetF r => ret r
    | TauF t => Tau (interp f t)
    | VisF e k => bind (f _ e) (fun x => Tau (interp f (k x)))

Unfold lemma.
  Lemma unfold_interp_errorT {exn E F R} (f : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)) (t : itree E R) :
    interp f t
          (_interp_errorT f (observe t)).
    unfold interp. unfold Basics.iter, _interp_errorT, itree_interp
      , errorT_iter, Basics.iter, MonadIter_itree.
    rewrite unfold_iter. cbn.
    rewrite Eq.bind_bind. setoid_rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l.
    unfold interp_body.
    destruct (observe t).
    tau_steps. reflexivity.
    tau_steps. reflexivity.
    setoid_rewrite Eq.bind_bind.
    apply eq_itree_clo_bind with (UU := Logic.eq); [reflexivity | intros x ? <-].
    destruct x as [x|].
    - cbn. rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l; reflexivity.
    - cbn. rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l; reflexivity.

  Lemma errorT_morph_ret:
    forall (exn : Type) (E F : Type -> Type) (f : forall T : Type, E T -> errorT exn (itree F) T),
      MorphRet (itree E) (errorT exn (itree F)) (itree_interp f).
    intros exn E F f.
    repeat intro. setoid_rewrite unfold_interp_errorT.
    eapply eqmR_ret; eauto. typeclasses eauto.

  Global Instance interp_errorT_eq_itree {exn X E F} {R : X -> X -> Prop}
        (h : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)) :
    Proper (eq_itree R ==> eq_itree (eq R)) (interp h (T0 := X)).
    repeat red.
    pcofix CIH.
    intros s t EQ.
    rewrite 2 unfold_interp_errorT.
    punfold EQ; red in EQ.
    destruct EQ; cbn; subst; try discriminate; pclearbot; try (gstep; constructor; eauto with paco; fail).
    guclo eqit_clo_bind; econstructor; [reflexivity | intros x ? <-].
    destruct x as [x|]; gstep; econstructor; eauto with paco.

  Global Instance interp_errorT_eq_itree_eq {exn X E F} (h : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)) :
    Proper (eq_itree eq ==> eq_itree eq) (interp h (T0 := X)).
    repeat intro. rewrite <- sum_rel_eq.
    eapply interp_errorT_eq_itree; auto.

  Global Instance interp_errorT_eutt {exn X E F R} (h : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)) :
    Proper (eutt R ==> eutt (eq R)) (interp h (T0 := X)).
    repeat red.
    ecofix CIH.
    intros s t EQ.
    setoid_rewrite unfold_interp_errorT.
    punfold EQ; red in EQ.
    induction EQ; intros; cbn; subst; try discriminate; pclearbot; try (estep; constructor; eauto with paco; fail).
    - ebind; econstructor; [reflexivity |].
      intros [] [] EQ; inv EQ.
      + estep; ebase.
      + estep; ebase.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_errorT; eauto.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_errorT; eauto.

  Global Definition interp_errorT_euttH {exn X1 X2 E F} (R : X1 -> X2 -> Prop)
        (h : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)) :
    ProperH (eutt R ~~> eutt (eq R)) (interp h (T0 := X1)) (interp h (T0 := X2)).
    repeat red.
    ecofix CIH.
    intros s t EQ.
    setoid_rewrite unfold_interp_errorT.
    punfold EQ; red in EQ.
    induction EQ; intros; cbn; subst; try discriminate; pclearbot; try (estep; constructor; eauto with paco; fail).
    - ebind; econstructor; [reflexivity |].
      intros [] [] EQ; inv EQ.
      + estep; ebase.
      + estep; ebase.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_errorT; eauto.
    - rewrite tau_euttge, unfold_interp_errorT; eauto.

  Global Instance interp_errorT_eutt_eq {exn X E F} (h : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)) :
    Proper (eutt eq ==> eutt eq) (interp h (T0 := X)).
    repeat intro.
    rewrite <- sum_rel_eq.
    apply interp_errorT_eutt; auto.

  Lemma interp_errorT_tau {exn E F R} {f : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)} (t: itree E R):
    eq_itree eq (interp f (Tau t)) (Tau (interp f t)).
  Proof. rewrite unfold_interp_errorT. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma interp_errorT_vis {E F : Type -> Type} {T U exn : Type}
        (e : E T) (k : T -> itree E U) (h : E ~> errorT exn (itree F))
    : interp h (Vis e k)
                   bind (h T e) (fun mx => Tau (interp h (k mx))).
    rewrite unfold_interp_errorT. reflexivity.

  Lemma interp_errorT_bind : forall {exn X Y E F} (t : itree _ X) (k : X -> itree _ Y)
                              (h : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)),
      interp h (bind t k)
                  bind (interp h t) (fun x => interp h (k x)).
    intros exn X Y E F; ginit; gcofix CIH; intros.
    pose proof (@unfold_interp_errorT exn E F X h t).
    unfold interp, itree_interp in *. cbn.
    rewrite H.
    setoid_rewrite unfold_bind at 1.
    destruct (observe t) eqn:EQ; cbn.
    - rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l. apply reflexivity.
    - cbn. rewrite bind_tau. setoid_rewrite interp_errorT_tau.
      gstep. econstructor; eauto with paco.
      cbn in CIH. gbase. eapply CIH.
    - rewrite Eq.bind_bind. setoid_rewrite interp_errorT_vis.
      guclo eqit_clo_bind; econstructor.
      intros [] ? <-; cbn.
      + rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l.
        apply reflexivity.
      + rewrite bind_tau.
        gstep; constructor.
        ITree.fold_subst. gbase. eapply CIH.

  Lemma errorT_morph_bind:
    forall (exn : Type) (E F : Type -> Type) (f : forall T : Type, E T -> errorT exn (itree F) T),
      MorphBind (itree E) (errorT exn (itree F)) (itree_interp f).
    repeat intro. setoid_rewrite interp_errorT_bind.
    eapply eutt_clo_bind; eauto.
    eapply interp_errorT_euttH; eauto.
    intros. inv H1; try apply eqit_Ret; eauto.
    eapply interp_errorT_euttH; eauto. eapply H0; eauto.

  #[global] Instance errorT_MonadMorphism :
    forall exn (E F : Type -> Type) (f : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)),
      MonadMorphism _ _ (itree_interp f).
    constructor; [constructor; try typeclasses eauto |
                  apply errorT_morph_ret |
                  apply errorT_morph_bind |..].
    repeat intro; eapply interp_errorT_euttH; eauto.

  #[global] Instance errorT_IterMorphism:
    forall exn (E F : Type -> Type) (f : E ~> errorT exn (itree F)),
      IterMorphism (itree_interp f).
    unfold IterMorphism. cbn. setoid_rewrite sum_rel_eq.
    ginit. gcofix CIH; intros. cbn.
    setoid_rewrite unfold_iter at 2.
    setoid_rewrite unfold_iter at 2. cbn.
    rewrite !Eq.bind_bind.
    setoid_rewrite Eq.bind_ret_l.
    pose proof @interp_errorT_bind. setoid_rewrite H. clear H.
    guclo eqit_clo_bind; econstructor; eauto.
    - apply H0; eauto.
    - intros [s'' | [|]] [s''' | [ |]] H; cbn; subst; inv H.
      + gstep; constructor; eauto.
      + subst. setoid_rewrite interp_errorT_tau.
        gstep; constructor. gfinal. left. eapply CIH; eauto.
      + pose proof @errorT_morph_ret. cbn in H. unfold MorphRet in H.
        unfold morph in H.
        specialize (H exn E F f R _ eq r1 _ eq_refl).
        gfinal. right. cbn in H. rewrite sum_rel_eq in H.
        eapply paco2_mon; eauto; intros; contradiction.

End HFunctorInstances.

Nesting HFunctors

HFunctors compose(nest) to make a HFunctor, and also the well-formedness properties are closed under nesting as well.
Section ComposeHFunctors.

  #[local] Instance compose_HFunctor {S T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type} `{HFunctor S} `{HFunctor T}:
    HFunctor (fun x => S (T x)).
    - intros. eapply (ffmap X0 X1).
      constructor. exact (fun x y F X => ffmap F X).
    - intros. exact (hfmap (hfmap X) X0).

  #[local] Instance compose_WF_HFunctor {S T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type} `{WF_HFunctor S} `{WF_HFunctor T}:
    WF_HFunctor (fun x => S (T x)).
    econstructor; constructor; intros.
    - cbn. etransitivity. eapply @hfmap_proper; try typeclasses eauto.
      repeat intro; eauto. Unshelve. 4 : exact (fun _ X => X).
      cbn. eapply Proper_eqmR_cong.
      eapply hfmap_id; eauto. reflexivity. auto. reflexivity.
      eapply hfmap_id; eauto. typeclasses eauto.
    - cbn. etransitivity. eapply @hfmap_proper; try typeclasses eauto.
      repeat intro; eauto.
      cbn. eapply Proper_eqmR_cong.
      eapply hfmap_comp; eauto. reflexivity.
      eapply hfmap_morph_proper; try eauto.
      eapply hfmap_morph_proper; try eauto. reflexivity.
      eapply hfmap_comp; eauto. all : try typeclasses eauto.
      eapply hfmap_morph_proper; try eauto.
      eapply hfmap_morph_proper; try eauto.
    - cbn; constructor; try typeclasses eauto; repeat intro.
      + cbn.
        destruct H.
        destruct T_HFunctorLaws0.
        pose proof (hfmap_nat0 (T g) (T h) _ _ _ _ _ _ (@hfmap _ _ g h F) _).
        destruct H. repeat red in MM_morph_ret. cbn in *. eapply MM_morph_ret; eauto.
      + cbn.
        destruct H.
        destruct T_HFunctorLaws0.
        pose proof (hfmap_nat0 (T g) (T h) _ _ _ _ _ _ (@hfmap _ _ g h F) _).
        destruct H. repeat red in MM_morph_bind. cbn in *. eapply MM_morph_bind; eauto.
      + cbn.
        destruct H.
        destruct T_HFunctorLaws0.
        pose proof (hfmap_nat0 (T g) (T h) _ _ _ _ _ _ (@hfmap _ _ g h F) _).
        destruct H. repeat red in MM_morph_proper. cbn in *. eapply MM_morph_proper; eauto.
    - repeat intro. cbn.
      eapply (@hfmap_proper S); try typeclasses eauto.
      repeat intro.
      eapply (@hfmap_proper T); try typeclasses eauto; repeat intro; eauto. eauto.
    - repeat intro. cbn. eapply hfmap_morph_proper; try typeclasses eauto; eauto.
      repeat intro. cbn. eapply hfmap_morph_proper; try typeclasses eauto; eauto.
    - cbn -[lift].
      eapply (@hfmap_lift S); try typeclasses eauto.
      econstructor; try typeclasses eauto.
      econstructor; try typeclasses eauto.
      eapply morph_proper.
      eapply (@hfmap_lift T); try typeclasses eauto.
    - repeat intro. cbn.
      eapply (@hfmap_iter S); try typeclasses eauto.
      econstructor; try typeclasses eauto.
      econstructor; try typeclasses eauto.
      destruct H0. destruct T_HFunctorLawsExtra0. eapply hfmap_iter0; typeclasses eauto.
      eauto. reflexivity.

End ComposeHFunctors.