
Heterogeneous relations

(* A categorical account of this file is given in CategoryRelation.v *)

Definition relationH (A B : Type) := A -> B -> Prop.

Section RelationH_Operations.

  Definition rel_compose {A B C} (S : relationH B C) (R : relationH A B): relationH A C :=
    fun x y => exists b, R x b /\ S b y.

Relations for morphisms/parametricity

  (* Heterogeneous notion of subrelation *)
  Definition subrelationH {A B} (R S : relationH A B) : Prop :=
    forall (x : A) (y : B), R x y -> S x y.

  Definition eq_rel {A B} (R S : relationH A B) :=
      subrelationH R S /\ subrelationH S R.

  Definition transpose {A B: Type} (R: relationH A B): relationH B A :=
    fun x y => R y x.

  (* The graph of a function forms a relation *)
  Definition fun_rel {A B: Type} (f: A -> B): relationH A B :=
    fun x y => y = f x.

Relations for morphisms/parametricity

Logical relation for the sum type.
  Variant sum_rel {A1 A2 B1 B2 : Type}
      (RA : relationH A1 A2) (RB : relationH B1 B2)
  : relationH (A1 + B1) (A2 + B2) :=
  | inl_morphism a1 a2 : RA a1 a2 -> sum_rel RA RB (inl a1) (inl a2)
  | inr_morphism b1 b2 : RB b1 b2 -> sum_rel RA RB (inr b1) (inr b2).

Logical relation for the prod type.
  Variant prod_rel {A1 A2 B1 B2 : Type}
      (RA : relationH A1 A2) (RB : relationH B1 B2)
    : relationH (A1 * B1) (A2 * B2) :=
  | prod_morphism a1 a2 b1 b2 : RA a1 a2 -> RB b1 b2 -> prod_rel RA RB (a1, b1) (a2, b2)

  (* Heterogeneous properness *)
  Definition ProperH :=
    let U := Type in fun (A1 A2 : U) (R : relationH A1 A2) (m1 : A1) (m2 : A2) => R m1 m2.

  (* Non-dependent heterogeneous respectfulness. c.f. respectful_hetero *)
  Definition respectfulH :=
    let U := Type in
    fun (A1 A2 B1 B2 : U) (R : relationH A1 A2) (R' : relationH B1 B2) (f : A1 -> B1) (g : A2 -> B2) =>
      forall (x : A1) (y : A2), R x y -> R' (f x) (g y).

  Definition pointwise_relationH {A1 A2 B1 B2}
             (RA : relationH A1 A2) (RB : relationH B1 B2) : relationH (A1 -> B1) (A2 -> B2) :=
    fun f g => forall (a1 : A1) (a2 : A2), RA a1 a2 -> RB (f a1) (g a2).

End RelationH_Operations.

Global Hint Constructors prod_rel: core.
Global Hint Constructors sum_rel: core.

Arguments inl_morphism {A1 A2 B1 B2 RA RB}.
Arguments inr_morphism {A1 A2 B1 B2 RA RB}.
Arguments prod_morphism {A1 A2 B1 B2 RA RB}.

Arguments rel_compose [A B C] S R.
Arguments subrelationH [A B] R S.
Arguments transpose [A B] R.
Arguments sum_rel [A1 A2 B1 B2] RA RB.
Arguments prod_rel [A1 A2 B1 B2] RA RB.

Arguments ProperH {_ _}.
Declare Scope relationH_scope.

Module RelNotations.

  (* Notice the levels: (R ⊕ S ⊗ T ∘ U) is parsed as ((R ⊕ (S ⊗ T)) ∘ U) *)
  Infix "∘" := rel_compose (at level 40, left associativity) : relationH_scope.
  Infix "⊕" := sum_rel (at level 39, left associativity) : relationH_scope.
  Infix "⊗" := prod_rel (at level 38, left associativity) : relationH_scope.

  Infix "⊑" := subrelationH (at level 70, no associativity) : relationH_scope.
  Notation "† R" := (transpose R) (at level 5, right associativity) : relationH_scope.

  Infix "≡" := eq_rel (at level 70, no associativity) : relationH_scope.

  Notation " R ~~> R' " := (@respectfulH _ _ _ _ (R%signature) (R'%signature))
                             (right associativity, at level 55) : relationH_scope.

End RelNotations.

Import RelNotations.
Local Open Scope relationH_scope.

Instance Proper_relation {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) :
  Proper (@eq A ==> @eq A ==> iff) R.
  repeat intro.
  repeat red.
  split; intros.
  - rewrite <- H,<- H0. auto.
  - rewrite H, H0. auto.

(* Properties of Heterogeneous Relations ************************************ *)

Class ReflexiveH {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) : Prop :=
  reflexive : forall (a:A), R a a.

Class SymmetricH {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) : Prop :=
  symmetric : forall x y, R x y -> R y x.

Class TransitiveH {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) : Prop :=
  transitive : forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.

Class PER {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) : Type :=
  {per_symm :> SymmetricH R;
    per_trans :> TransitiveH R

*Partitions on Heterogeneous Relations
(* Among homogeneous relations, equivalence relations partition the set. For heterogeneous relations, a partitioning relation is a _difunctional_ relation, R = F (†G), where F and G are univalent (functional), i.e. forall x y z, F x y /\ F x z => y = z. N.B.: For homogeneous relations, PER's are _difunctional_. This is also known as a "quasi-PER" (QPER) or zig-zag complete relation. (See Krishnaswami and Dreyer 2012, 2013.) a1 -----> b1 - - - -> a2 -----> b2 Given the following diagram, there must also be a (a2, b1) ∈ R. *)
(* Two possible formulations of Zigzag. *)
Class Zigzag {A B : Type} (R : relationH A B) : Type :=
  zigzag : R ( R R) R.

Class Zigzag' {A B : Type} (R : relationH A B) : Type :=
  zigzag' : forall {a b a' b'}, R a b -> R a' b -> R a' b' -> R a b'.

(* The two defs of Zigzag are equivalent. *)
Lemma ZZC_zigzag_zigzag'_iff :
  forall {A B : Type} (R : relationH A B),
    Zigzag' R <-> Zigzag R.
  intros. split; unfold Zigzag', Zigzag. intros.
  - intros a b (? & (? & ? & ?) & ?).
  - intros. red in H. apply H. esplit; split. esplit; split.
    all: eauto.

Class Preorder {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) : Type :=
    pre_refl :> ReflexiveH R;
    pre_trans :> TransitiveH R

Class EquivalenceH {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) : Type :=
    equiv_refl :> ReflexiveH R;
    equiv_symm :> SymmetricH R;
    equiv_trans :> TransitiveH R

Global Instance relationH_reflexive : forall (A:Type), ReflexiveH (@eq A).
  repeat intro.

Global Instance relationH_symmetric : forall (A:Type), SymmetricH (@eq A).
  repeat intro. cbn; auto.

Global Instance relationH_transitive : forall (A:Type), TransitiveH (@eq A).
  repeat intro. cbn in *. etransitivity.
  apply H. apply H0.

Global Instance relationH_PER {A : Type} : PER (@eq A).
  constructor; typeclasses eauto.

Global Instance relationH_Preorder {A : Type} : Preorder (@eq A).
  constructor; typeclasses eauto.

Global Instance relationH_Equiv {A : Type} : EquivalenceH (@eq A).
  constructor; typeclasses eauto.

Lemma ReflexiveH_Reflexive {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) :
  ReflexiveH R <-> Reflexive R.
  split; intros.
  - red. apply H.
  - apply H.

Lemma SymmetricH_Symmetric {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) :
  SymmetricH R <-> Symmetric R.
  split; intros.
  - red. unfold SymmetricH in H. intros. specialize (H x y). cbn in H.
    apply H. assumption.
  - red. intros p HP. cbn in *. apply H.

Lemma TransitiveH_Transitive {A: Type} (R : relationH A A) :
  TransitiveH R <-> Transitive R.
  split; intros.
  - red. intros x y z H0 H1. unfold TransitiveH in H. eapply H; eauto.
  - red. intros p q HP HQ EQ.
    unfold Transitive in H. cbn in EQ.
    eapply H; eauto.

Global Instance SymmetricH_Symmetric_ {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) {SR : SymmetricH R} :
  Symmetric R.
  apply SymmetricH_Symmetric; eauto.

Global Instance TransitiveH_Transitive_ {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) {SR : TransitiveH R} :
  Transitive R.
  apply TransitiveH_Transitive; eauto.

Global Instance relationH_PER_Symmetric {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) {PR : PER R}:
  Symmetric R.
  destruct PR. apply SymmetricH_Symmetric. apply per_symm0.

Global Instance relationH_PER_Transitive {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) {PR : PER R}:
  Transitive R.
  destruct PR. apply TransitiveH_Transitive. apply per_trans0.

Global Instance relationH_Equivalence_PER {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) {ER : Equivalence R}:
  PER R.
  destruct ER. split; eauto.


Section SubRelationH.

  Lemma subrelationH_Reflexive {A B: Type} (R: relationH A B): R R.
    intros!; auto.

  Lemma subrelationH_antisym {A B: Type} (R S: relationH A B) `{R S} `{S R}: R S.
    split; auto.

  Lemma subrelationH_trans {A B: Type} (R S T: relationH A B)
         `{R S} `{S T} : R T.
    intros!; auto.

  Lemma subrelationH_refl_eq {A: Type} (R: relationH A A) (H : Reflexive R) : (@eq A) R.
    rewrite H0. cbn. apply H.

End SubRelationH.

Section RelationEqRel.

  (* eq_rel is an equivalence relation *)
  Global Instance eq_rel_Reflexive {A B} : Reflexive (@eq_rel A B).
    red. unfold eq_rel, subrelationH. tauto.

  Global Instance eq_rel_Symmetric {A B} : Symmetric (@eq_rel A B).
    red. unfold eq_rel, subrelationH. tauto.

  Global Instance eq_rel_Transitive {A B} : Transitive (@eq_rel A B).
    red. unfold eq_rel, subrelationH. intros.
    destruct H, H0. split; eauto.

  Global Instance eq_rel_Equiv {A B} : Equivalence (@eq_rel A B).
    split; typeclasses eauto.

  Global Instance eq_rel_Proper {A B} : Proper (eq_rel ==> eq_rel ==> iff) (@eq_rel A B).
    intros ? ? EQ1 ? ? EQ2.
    rewrite EQ1,EQ2; reflexivity.

End RelationEqRel.

Section RelationCompose.

  (* eq define identities *)
  Lemma eq_id_r: forall {A B : Type} (R : relationH A B),
    ((@eq B) R) R.
    split; intros!.
    - cbn in *. destruct H as (b & HR & EQ).
      rewrite <- EQ. assumption.
    - cbn. exists y. split; auto.

  Lemma eq_id_l: forall {A B} (R : relationH A B),
      R (@eq A) R.
    split; intros!.
    - cbn in *. destruct H as (b & EQ & HR).
      rewrite EQ. assumption.
    - cbn. exists x. split; auto.

  Lemma R_id_PER :
    forall {A} (R : relationH A A), PER R -> R R R.
    intros; split; intros * x y HR; intuition.
    destruct HR as (? & ? & ?). etransitivity; eauto.
    esplit; split; eauto. etransitivity. symmetry; eauto. eauto.

  (* Composition is associative *)

  Lemma compose_assoc: forall {A B C D} (R : relationH A B) (S : relationH B C) (T : relationH C D),
      T S R T (S R).
    split; intros!; cbn in *.
    - repeat destruct H. repeat destruct H0.
      repeat (eexists; split; eauto).
    - repeat destruct H. repeat destruct H0.
      repeat (eexists; split; eauto).

  Global Instance Proper_compose: forall A B C,
        (eq_rel ==> eq_rel ==> eq_rel) (@rel_compose A B C).
    intros ? ? ? S S' EQS R R' EQR.
    split; intros ? ? EQ; destruct EQ as (? & ? & ?); econstructor; split; (apply EQR || apply EQS); eauto.

End RelationCompose.

Section TransposeFacts.

   Instance transpose_Reflexive {A} (R : relationH A A) {RR: Reflexive R} : Reflexive R | 100.
    red. intros x. apply RR.

  Instance transpose_Symmetric {A} (R : relationH A A) {RS: Symmetric R} : Symmetric R | 100.
    red; intros x; unfold transpose; intros. apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS.
    apply RS. assumption.

  Instance transpose_Transitive {A} (R : relationH A A) {RT : Transitive R} : Transitive R | 100.
    red; intros x; unfold transpose; intros.
    apply TransitiveH_Transitive in RT.
    unfold TransitiveH in RT.
    specialize (RT z y x). apply RT; eauto.

  (* transpose is a functor (from the opposite category into itself) *)
  Lemma transpose_eq {A: Type}
    : (@eq A) (@eq A).
    split; unfold transpose; intros!; subst; auto.

  Lemma transpose_sym {A : Type} (R : relationH A A) {RS: Symmetric R}
    : R R.
    unfold transpose; split; intros!; cbn in *.
    apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS. red in RS.
    apply (RS y x). assumption.
    apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS. red in RS.
    apply (RS x y). assumption.

  Lemma transpose_compose {A B C : Type}
        (R : relationH A B) (S : relationH B C)
    : (S R) (R S).
    split; unfold transpose; cbn; intros!; cbn in *.
    - destruct H as (b & HR & HS). exists b. tauto.
    - destruct H as (b & HR & HS). exists b. tauto.

  Global Instance Proper_transpose {A B : Type}
    : Proper (eq_rel ==> eq_rel) (@transpose A B).
    intros ? ? EQ; split; unfold transpose; intros!; apply EQ; auto.

  (* transpose is an involution *)
  Lemma transpose_involution : forall {A B} (R : relationH A B),
       R R.
    intros A B R.
    - unfold subrelationH. unfold transpose. tauto.
    - unfold subrelationH, transpose. tauto.

  Lemma transpose_inclusion : forall {A B} (R1 : relationH A B) (R2 : relationH A B),
      R1 R2 <-> ( R1 R2).
    intros A B R1 R2.
    - intros HS.
      unfold subrelationH, transpose in *. eauto.
    - intros HS.
      unfold subrelationH, transpose in *. eauto.

  Global Instance transpose_Proper :forall A B, Proper (@eq_rel A B ==> eq_rel) (@transpose A B).
    intros A B R1 R2 (Hab & Hba).
    - apply transpose_inclusion in Hab. assumption.
    - apply transpose_inclusion in Hba. assumption.

  (* transpose is monotone *)
  Lemma transpose_monotone
         {A B} (R S: relationH A B) `{R S}
    : R S.
    unfold transpose; intros!.
    apply H. auto.

End TransposeFacts.

Section ProdRelFacts.

  (* prod_rel preserves the structure of equivalence relations (what does one call it for a bifunctor?) *)
  Section Equivalence.
    Context {R S : Type}.
    Context (RR : relationH R R).
    Context (SS : relationH S S).

    Global Instance prod_rel_refl `{Reflexive _ RR} `{Reflexive _ SS} : Reflexive (RR SS).
      intros []. apply ReflexiveH_Reflexive in H. apply ReflexiveH_Reflexive in H0.
      cbn. split. apply H. apply H0.

    Global Instance prod_rel_sym `{Symmetric _ RR} `{Symmetric _ SS} : Symmetric (RR SS).
      intros ? ? ?. apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in H. apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in H0.
      destruct x; destruct y; cbn in *. destruct H1. split.
      - unfold SymmetricH in H. apply H. auto.
      - unfold SymmetricH in H0. apply H0. auto.

    Global Instance prod_rel_trans `{Transitive _ RR} `{Transitive _ SS} : Transitive (RR SS).
      apply TransitiveH_Transitive in H. apply TransitiveH_Transitive in H0.
      unfold TransitiveH in *.
      inversion H1; inversion H2; subst; eauto; inversion H9; subst.
      split. inversion H9. eapply H; eauto.
      eapply H0; eauto.

    Global Instance prod_rel_eqv `{Equivalence _ RR} `{Equivalence _ SS} : Equivalence (RR SS).
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

    Global Instance prod_rel_PER `{PER _ RR} `{PER _ SS} : @PER _ (RR SS).
      constructor. destruct H, H0.
      eapply SymmetricH_Symmetric.
      eapply prod_rel_sym.
      eapply TransitiveH_Transitive.
      eapply prod_rel_trans.

  End Equivalence.

  Section Zigzag.

    Lemma ZZC_eq_tL :
      forall {A B} (R : relationH A B),
        Zigzag R -> R R R R.
      red. repeat intro; split; repeat intro. red in H0.
      crunch. red in H1. crunch. apply H; repeat (esplit; eauto).
      red. repeat (esplit; eauto).

    Lemma ZZC_eq_tR :
      forall {A B} (R : relationH A B),
        Zigzag R -> R R R R.
      red. repeat intro; split; repeat intro. red in H0.
      crunch. red in H1. crunch. apply H; repeat (esplit; eauto).
      red. repeat (esplit; eauto).

    Lemma ZZC_not_symmetric:
      exists A (P: relationH A A), Zigzag P /\ not (SymmetricH P).
      intros. exists nat. exists (fun x y => (x = 1 /\ y = 10) \/ (x = 2 /\ y = 20) \/ (x = 1 /\ y = 20) \/ (x = 2 /\ y = 10)).
      assert (Zigzag (fun x y => (x = 1 /\ y = 10) \/ (x = 2 /\ y = 20) \/ (x = 1 /\ y = 20) \/ (x = 2 /\ y = 10))). {
        red. red. intros. red in H.
        destruct H as (? & ? & ?). destruct H as (? & ? & ?). red in H1.
      split. auto.

      red in H0.
      specialize (H0 1 20).
      assert (H1: 1 = 1 /\ 20 = 10 \/ 1 = 2 /\ 20 = 20 \/ 1 = 1 /\ 20 = 20 \/ 1 = 2 /\ 20 = 10) by intuition.
      specialize (H0 H1).
      intuition; try inversion H0; try inversion H2; try inversion H3.

    (* Zarrad and Gumm seems to suggest that difunctionality with reflexivity *and
      symmetry* implies transitivity (see page 15 linked below), but we see here
      that we only need reflexivity. *)

    Lemma ZZC_with_reflexivity_is_transitive:
      forall A (P : relationH A A), Zigzag P -> ReflexiveH P -> TransitiveH P.
      intros. red in H.
      red. intros. red in H.
      apply H. red. esplit; esplit. esplit. split. 2 : red.
      eauto. eapply H; esplit; esplit. esplit. split.
      3 : apply H0. 2 : eauto.
      eapply H. 2 : eauto. esplit. split; try esplit. split.
      all : eauto.

    Lemma PER_is_ZZC :
      forall A (P : relationH A A), PER P -> Zigzag P.
      intros. destruct H. unfold SymmetricH, TransitiveH in *.
      repeat intro. destruct H as (? & ? & ?). destruct H as (? & ? & ?).
      red in H1. eapply per_trans0.
      eapply H. eapply per_trans0.
      apply per_symm0. all : eauto.

    Instance Proper_Zigzag {A B} : Proper (@eq_rel A B ==> iff) Zigzag.
      repeat intro. split; intros; repeat intro; intuition.
      apply H. apply H0. eapply Proper_compose. eauto.
      eapply Proper_compose; eauto. eapply Proper_transpose; eauto. eauto.
      apply H. apply H0. symmetry in H. eapply Proper_compose. eauto.
      eapply Proper_compose; eauto. eapply Proper_transpose; eauto. eauto.

    Instance Zigzag_eq {A} : Zigzag (@eq A).
      apply PER_is_ZZC. typeclasses eauto.

    (* Pair of elements in A that share the same domain on B *)
    Definition left_inj {A B : Type} (R : relationH A B) : relationH A A :=
       R R.

    (* Pair of elements in B that share the same domain on A *)
    Definition right_inj {A B : Type} (R : relationH A B) : relationH B B :=
      R R.

    Notation "R ←" := (left_inj R) (at level 40).
    Notation "R →" := (right_inj R) (at level 40).

    Lemma ZZC_PER_l :
      forall A B (R : relationH A B), Zigzag R -> PER (R).
      intros. red in H. split.
      (* The symmetric case doesn't need the zigzag property *)
      - clear H. repeat intro. destruct H as (? & ? & ?).
        esplit; split. eauto. eauto.
      (* The transitive case does, though.*)
      - repeat intro. destruct H0 as (? & ? & ?). destruct H1 as (? & ? & ?).
        esplit; split. eapply H. esplit; split. esplit; split.
        all : eauto.

    Lemma ZZC_PER_r :
      forall A B (R : relationH A B), Zigzag R -> PER (R).
      intros. red in H. split.
      (* The symmetric case doesn't need the zigzag property *)
      - clear H. repeat intro. destruct H as (? & ? & ?).
        esplit; split. red. eauto. eauto.
      (* The transitive case does, though.*)
      - repeat intro. destruct H0 as (? & ? & ?). destruct H1 as (? & ? & ?).
        esplit; split. eauto. eapply H. esplit; split. esplit; split.
        all : eauto.

    Lemma ZZC_r :
      forall {A B} (R : relationH A B),
        Zigzag R -> Zigzag (R).
      apply PER_is_ZZC. apply ZZC_PER_r. auto.

    Lemma ZZC_l :
      forall {A B} (R : relationH A B),
        Zigzag R -> Zigzag (R).
      apply PER_is_ZZC. apply ZZC_PER_l. auto.

    Lemma ZZC_l_Symmetric :
      forall {A B} (R : relationH A B),
        Symmetric (R).
      red. intros * (? & ? & ?).
      esplit; split; eauto.

    Lemma ZZC_r_Symmetric :
      forall {A B} (R : relationH A B),
        Symmetric (R).
      red. intros * (? & ? & ?).
      esplit; split; eauto.

    Lemma Transitive_injL_iff :
      forall {A B} (R : relationH A B),
        Transitive (R) <->
          (forall a a' b, R a b -> R a' b ->
              forall a'' b', R a' b' -> R a'' b' ->
                  exists b'', R a b'' /\ R a'' b'').
      split; intros. eapply H. esplit; split. eauto. eauto.
      esplit; split; eauto.
      repeat intro. destruct H0 as (? & ? & ?). destruct H1 as (? & ? & ?).
      eapply H; eauto.

  End Zigzag.

  (* prod_rel is monotone in both parameters *)
  Lemma prod_rel_monotone
         {A B C D: Type} (R R': relationH A B) (S S': relationH C D)
         `{R R'} `{S S'}
  : R S R' S'.
    intros!. destruct x, y. repeat red. repeat red in H1. destruct H1.
    - apply H. assumption.
    - apply H0. assumption.

  (* prod_rel is a bifunctor *)
  Lemma prod_rel_eq : forall (A B:Type), (@eq A) (@eq B) @eq (A * B).
    unfold eq_rel; split; unfold subrelationH; intros.
    - destruct x, y. repeat red in H. destruct H. cbn. subst; reflexivity.
    - destruct x; destruct y. cbn in H. repeat red. inversion H. split; reflexivity.

  Definition prod_fst_rel {A B : Type} (R : relationH (A * B) (A * B)) :
    relationH A A :=
    fun x y => forall (b1 b2 : B), R (x, b1) (y, b2).

  Definition prod_snd_rel {A B : Type} (R : relationH (A * B) (A * B)) :
    relationH B B :=
    fun x y => forall (a1 a2 : A), R (a1, x) (a2, y).

  Lemma prod_inv (A B : Type) :
    forall (R : relationH (A * B) (A * B)) (x1 x2 : A) (y1 y2 : B),
        prod_fst_rel R x1 x2 /\ prod_snd_rel R y1 y2 ->
        R (x1, y1) (x2, y2).
    destruct H. unfold prod_fst_rel, prod_snd_rel in *. cbn in *.
    apply H0.

  Lemma prod_compose {A B C D E F: Type}
        (R: relationH A B) (S: relationH B C)
        (T: relationH D E) (U: relationH E F)
    : (S R) (U T) (S U) (R T).
    split; intros!.
    - destruct x, y. repeat red. repeat red in H. destruct H.
      unfold fst, snd. cbn in H, H0.
      edestruct H as (b & HR & HS).
      edestruct H0 as (e & HT & HU).
      exists (b, e). split; cbn; split; eauto.
    - destruct x, y. repeat red. repeat red in H. destruct H.
      unfold fst, snd in H. destruct H.
      split. exists (fst x). split.
      destruct x. cbn. cbn in H. inversion H ; inversion H0; subst. tauto.
      inversion H; inversion H0; inversion H8; subst. inversion H8. subst.
      cbn; auto.
      inversion H; inversion H0. subst. inversion H8. subst.
      esplit. split; eauto.

  Global Instance Proper_prod_rel {A B C D}: Proper (eq_rel ==> eq_rel ==> eq_rel) (@prod_rel A B C D).
    intros!. split; intros!; destruct x1, y1; cbn in *; destruct H1; split;
    try apply H; try apply H0; eauto.

  (* Distributivity of transpose over prod_rel *)
  Lemma transpose_prod {A B C D: Type}
        (R: relationH A B) (S: relationH C D)
    : (S R) (S R).
    split; unfold transpose; cbn; intros!; destruct x, y; cbn in *;
    destruct H; split; eauto.
End ProdRelFacts.

Section SumRelFacts.

  (* sum_rel preserves the structure of equivalence relations (what does one call it for a bifunctor?) *)
  Section Equivalence.
    Context {A B : Type}.
    Context (R : relationH A A).
    Context (S : relationH B B).

    Global Instance sum_rel_refl {RR: Reflexive R} {SR: Reflexive S} : Reflexive (R S).
      intros []. apply ReflexiveH_Reflexive in RR.
      apply ReflexiveH_Reflexive in SR.
      constructor. apply RR.
      constructor. apply SR.

    Global Instance sum_rel_sym {RS: Symmetric R} {SS: Symmetric S} : Symmetric (R S).
      intros ? ? ?. apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in RS.
      apply SymmetricH_Symmetric in SS.
      destruct x, y.
      - constructor. inversion H. subst. apply RS. auto.
      - inversion H.
      - inversion H.
      - constructor. inversion H. subst. apply SS. auto.

    Global Instance sum_rel_trans {RT: Transitive R} {ST: Transitive S} : Transitive (R S).
      apply TransitiveH_Transitive in RT. apply TransitiveH_Transitive in ST.
      unfold TransitiveH in *.
      destruct x, y, z; try contradiction; inversion H; inversion H0; subst.
      cbn in *.
      constructor. eauto. constructor. eauto.

    Global Instance sum_rel_eqv {RE: Equivalence R} {SE: Equivalence S} : Equivalence (R S).
      constructor; typeclasses eauto.

  End Equivalence.

  (* sum_rel is monotone in both parameters *)
  Lemma sum_rel_monotone
         {A B C D: Type} (R R': relationH A B) (S S': relationH C D)
         `{R R'} `{S S'}
    : R S R' S'.
    intros!; destruct x, y; repeat red; repeat red in H1;
    inversion H1; subst; constructor; eauto.

  Lemma sum_rel_eq : forall (A B: Type), @eq A @eq B @eq (A + B).
    intros. red.
    split; repeat intro; eauto.
    inversion H; subst; auto; try reflexivity.
    subst. destruct y; constructor; eauto.

  Lemma sum_compose {A B C D E F: Type}
        (R: relationH A B) (S: relationH B C)
        (T: relationH D E) (U: relationH E F)
  : (S R) (U T) (S U) (R T).
    split; intros!.
    - destruct x, y; inv H.
      destruct H2 as (? & ? & ?); eexists; eauto.
      destruct H2 as (? & ? & ?); eexists; eauto.
    - destruct H as (? & H1 & H2); inv H1; inv H2.
      econstructor; eexists; eauto.
      econstructor; eexists; eauto.

  Global Instance Proper_sum_rel {A B C D}: Proper (eq_rel ==> eq_rel ==> eq_rel) (@sum_rel A B C D).
    split; intros!; destruct x1, y1; cbn in *; try inversion H1;
      try apply H; try apply H0; eauto; subst; inversion H1; subst;
        try econstructor; try apply H; try apply H0; eauto.

(*    sum_rel is a bifunctor *)

(* Note: we also have associators and unitors, forming a monoidal category.
    See CategoryRelation.v if needed. *)

  (* Distributivity of transpose over sum_rel *)
  Lemma transpose_sum {A B C D: Type}
        (R: relationH A B) (S: relationH C D)
    : (S R) (S R).
    split; unfold transpose; cbn; intros!; destruct x, y; cbn in *;
      try inversion H; eauto; subst; inversion H; subst; try econstructor; eauto.

End SumRelFacts.

Lemma PER_reflexivityH1 : forall {A:Type} (R : relationH A A) (RS: SymmetricH R) (RT: TransitiveH R)
                            (a b : A), R a b -> R a a.
  assert (R b a). { specialize (RS a b). apply RS. assumption. }
  specialize (RT a b a). apply RT; auto.

Lemma PER_reflexivityH2 : forall {A:Type} (R : relationH A A) (RS: SymmetricH R) (RT: TransitiveH R)
                            (a b : A), R b a -> R a a.
  assert (R a b). { specialize (RS b a). apply RS. assumption. }
  specialize (RT a b a). apply RT; auto.

Ltac PER_reflexivityH :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : ?R ?X ?Y |- ?R ?X ?X ] => eapply PER_reflexivityH1; eauto
  | [ H : ?R ?Y ?X |- ?R ?X ?X ] => eapply PER_reflexivityH2; eauto
  end; try apply per_symm ; try apply per_trans.

Definition diagonal_prop {A : Type} (P : A -> Prop) : relationH A A :=
  fun x y => (P x /\ P y).

Lemma diagonal_prop_SymmetricH {A : Type} (P : A -> Prop) : SymmetricH (diagonal_prop P).
  red. intros a1 a2 H.
  cbn in *. unfold diagonal_prop in *. tauto.

Lemma diagonal_prop_TransitiveH {A : Type} (P : A -> Prop) : TransitiveH (diagonal_prop P).
  red. intros.
  cbn in *. unfold diagonal_prop in *.

Lemma diagonal_prop_PER {A : Type} (P : A -> Prop) : PER (diagonal_prop P).
  red. intros.
  cbn in *. unfold diagonal_prop in *; tauto.
  red. intros.
  cbn in *. unfold diagonal_prop in *; tauto.