
Interpretable Monads

Interpretable monads encompass monads built from ITrees through layers of interpretation. Essentially, they are iterative monads that may trigger events. Interpretable monads interpret into interpretable monads, so that they can be layered.
We define the following terminology for this library. Other sources may have different usages for the same or related words.
The notation E ~> F stands for forall T, E T -> F T (in ITree.Basics). It can mean many things, including the following:
  • The semantics of itrees are given as monad morphisms itree E ~> M, also called "interpreters".
  • "ITree interpreters" (or "itree morphisms") are monad morphisms where the codomain is made of ITrees: itree E ~> itree F.
Interpreters can be obtained from handlers:
  • In general, "event handlers" are functions E ~> M where M is a monad.
  • "ITree event handlers" are functions E ~> itree F.
Categorically, this boils down to saying that itree is a free monad (not quite, but close enough).


An event morphism E ~> F lifts to an itree morphism itree E ~> itree F by applying the event morphism to every visible event. We call this process event translation.
Translation is a special case of interpretation:
    translate h tinterp (triggerh) t
However this definition of translate yields strong bisimulations more often than interp. For example, translate (id_ E) t id_ (itree E).
A plain event morphism E ~> F defines an itree morphism itree E ~> itree F.
Definition translateF {E F R} (h : E ~> F) (rec: itree E R -> itree F R) (t : itreeF E R _) : itree F R :=
  match t with
  | RetF x => Ret x
  | TauF t => Tau (rec t)
  | VisF e k => Vis (h _ e) (fun x => rec (k x))

Definition translate {E F} (h : E ~> F)
  : itree E ~> itree F
  := fun R => cofix translate_ t := translateF h translate_ (observe t).

Arguments translate {E F} h [T].


Interpretation schemes can be generalized as a function from a stack of monads T applied to a interpretable monad IM with an indexing I to a semantic domain T M.
It takes as handler h: I ~> M, which is informative of how the index should be interpreted into the semantic domain.
We call any such T IM that has an interp function defined over it an interpretable monad.
Class Interp (IM T: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) (M : Type -> Type) :=
  interp : forall (I : Type -> Type) (h: I ~> M), T (IM I) ~> T M.

Typically, an event handler E ~> M defines a monad morphism itree E ~> M for any monad M with a loop operator.
This itree interpretation is an instance of the general interpretation scheme.
Definition interp_body {E M : Type -> Type}
            {MM : Monad M} {MI : MonadIter M}
           (h : E ~> M) :
  forall R : Type, itree E R -> M (itree E R + R)%type :=
  (fun _ t =>
    match observe t with
    | RetF r => ret (inr r)
    | TauF t => ret (inl t)
    | VisF e k => bind (h _ e) (fun x => (ret (inl (k x))))

ITrees are an interpretable monad.
#[global] Instance itree_interp {M : Type -> Type}
           {MM : Monad M} {MI : MonadIter M} :
  Interp itree (fun x => x) M := fun _ h R => iter (interp_body h _).

Arguments itree_interp / {_ _ _ _}.
Arguments interp {IM T M _ _} h [_].
Arguments Interp _ {_} _.