
General-purpose definitions

Not specific to itrees.

Parametric functions

A notation for a certain class of parametric functions. Some common names of things that can be represented by such a type:
  • Natural transformations (functor morphisms)
  • Monad morphisms
  • Event morphisms (if E and F are simply indexed types with no particular structure)
  • Event handlers (if F is a monad)
Notation "E ~> F" := (forall T, E T -> F T)
  (at level 99, right associativity, only parsing) : type_scope.
(* The same level as ->. *)
(* This might actually not be such a good idea. *)

Identity morphism.
Definition idM {E : Type -> Type} : E ~> E := fun _ e => e.

void is a shorthand for Empty_set.
Notation void := Empty_set.

Common monads and transformers.

Module Monads.

Definition identity (a : Type) : Type := a.

Definition stateT (s : Type) (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) : Type :=
  s -> m (prod s a).
Definition state (s a : Type) := s -> prod s a.

Definition liftState {s a f} `{Functor f} (fa : f a) : Monads.stateT s f a :=
  fun s => pair s <$> fa.

Definition readerT (r : Type) (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) : Type :=
  r -> m a.
Definition reader (r a : Type) := r -> a.

Definition writerT (w : Type) (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) : Type :=
  m (prod w a).
Definition writer := prod.

 Instance Functor_stateT {m s} {Fm : Functor m} : Functor (stateT s m)
  := {|
    fmap _ _ f := fun run s => fmap (fun sa => (fst sa, f (snd sa))) (run s)

 Instance Monad_stateT {m s} {Fm : Monad m} : Monad (stateT s m)
  := {|
    ret _ a := fun s => ret (s, a)
  ; bind _ _ t k := fun s =>
      sa <- t s ;;
      k (snd sa) (fst sa)

 Definition optionT (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) : Type :=
  m (option a).

 Instance MonadT_stateT S (m : Type -> Type) `{Monad m}: @MonadT (stateT S m) m :=
  {| lift := fun _ c => (fun s => bind (m := m) c (fun t => ret (m := m) (s, t))) |}.

 Instance MonadT_optionT (m : Type -> Type) `{Monad m}: @MonadT (optionT m) m :=
  {| lift := fun _ c => bind (m := m) c (fun t => ret (m := m) (Some t)) |}.

End Monads.

Loop operator

iter: A primitive for general recursion. Iterate a function updating an accumulator I, until it produces an output R.
Polymorphic Class MonadIter (M : Type -> Type) : Type :=
  iter : forall {R I: Type}, (I -> M (I + R)%type) -> I -> M R.

 Hint Mode MonadIter ! : typeclasses_instances.

Transformer instances

And the standard transformers can lift iter.
Quite easily in fact, no Monad assumption needed.

 Instance MonadIter_stateT {M S} {MM : Monad M} {AM : MonadIter M}
  : MonadIter (stateT S M) :=
  fun _ _ step i => mkStateT (fun s =>
    iter (fun is =>
      let i := fst is in
      let s := snd is in
      is' <- runStateT (step i) s ;;
      ret match fst is' with
          | inl i' => inl (i', snd is')
          | inr r => inr (r, snd is')
          end) (i, s)).

 Polymorphic Instance MonadIter_stateT0 {M S} {MM : Monad M} {AM : MonadIter M}
  : MonadIter (Monads.stateT S M) :=
  fun _ _ step i s =>
    iter (fun si =>
      let s := fst si in
      let i := snd si in
      si' <- step i s;;
      ret match snd si' with
          | inl i' => inl (fst si', i')
          | inr r => inr (fst si', r)
          end) (s, i).

 Instance MonadIter_readerT {M S} {AM : MonadIter M} : MonadIter (readerT S M) :=
  fun _ _ step i => mkReaderT (fun s =>
    iter (fun i => runReaderT (step i) s) i).

 Instance MonadIter_optionT {M} {MM : Monad M} {AM : MonadIter M}
  : MonadIter (optionT M) :=
  fun _ _ step i => mkOptionT (
    iter (fun i =>
      oi <- unOptionT (step i) ;;
      ret match oi with
          | None => inr None
          | Some (inl i) => inl i
          | Some (inr r) => inr (Some r)
          end) i).

 Instance MonadIter_eitherT {M E} {MM : Monad M} {AM : MonadIter M}
  : MonadIter (eitherT E M) :=
  fun _ _ step i => mkEitherT (
    iter (fun i =>
      ei <- unEitherT (step i) ;;
      ret match ei with
          | inl e => inr (inl e)
          | inr (inl i) => inl i
          | inr (inr r) => inr (inr r)
          end) i).

And the nondeterminism monad _ -> Prop also has one.

Inductive iter_Prop {R I : Type} (step : I -> I + R -> Prop) (i : I) (r : R)
  : Prop :=
| iter_done
  : step i (inr r) -> iter_Prop step i r
| iter_step i'
  : step i (inl i') ->
    iter_Prop step i' r ->
    iter_Prop step i r

 Polymorphic Instance MonadIter_Prop : MonadIter Ensembles.Ensemble := @iter_Prop.

(* Elementary constructs for predicates. To be moved in their own file eventually *)
Definition equiv_pred {A : Type} (R S: A -> Prop): Prop :=
  forall a, R a <-> S a.

Definition sum_pred {A B : Type} (PA : A -> Prop) (PB : B -> Prop) : A + B -> Prop :=
  fun x => match x with | inl a => PA a | inr b => PB b end.

Definition prod_pred {A B : Type} (PA : A -> Prop) (PB : B -> Prop) : A * B -> Prop :=
  fun '(a,b) => PA a /\ PB b.

Definition TT {A : Type} : A -> Prop := fun _ => True.
 Hint Unfold TT sum_pred prod_pred: core.

 Instance equiv_pred_refl {A} : Reflexive (@equiv_pred A).
  split; auto.
 Instance equiv_pred_symm {A} : Symmetric (@equiv_pred A).

  red; intros * EQ; split; intros; eapply EQ; auto.
 Instance equiv_pred_trans {A} : Transitive (@equiv_pred A).
  red; intros * EQ1 EQ2; split; intros; (apply EQ1,EQ2 || apply EQ2,EQ1); auto.
 Instance equiv_pred_equiv {A} : Equivalence (@equiv_pred A).
  split; typeclasses eauto.

(* Definition fmap {A B} {m : Type -> Type} {Mm: Monad m} (f : A -> B) (ma : m A) : m B := *)
(*   (bind ma (fun x => ret (f x))). *)

Definition fst_sum {A B C : Type} : C + (A*B)%type -> C + A :=
  (fun (x : C + A * B) =>
      match x with
      | inl e => (inl e)
      | inr a => (inr (fst a))

Definition snd_sum {A B C : Type} : C + (A*B)%type -> C + B :=
  (fun (x : C + A * B) =>
      match x with
      | inl e => (inl e)
      | inr a => (inr (snd a))