
Relational reasoning over monad transformers

We are interested in various equational theories of monads, and also how they interplay with each other.
What does it mean to transform an equational theory of one monad to another using a monad transformer?
We use a notion of a monad transformer being "a natural transformation between two monads as functors that commutes with the two monads’ unit (return) and bind (>>=) operations" 1 and define a lifting of the theories that correspond to a natural transformation. More specifically, the lift operation on a monad transformation must be a monad morphism which preserves well-formedness conditions for eqmR.
This file also defines iterative monads, iterative monad transformers, and the composition of iterative monads. This is important for interpretation, because interpretable moands are iterative monads (i.e. they are monads that respect iterative laws).

(* Definition of a monad morphism from monad M to monad N parameterized by
   EqmR definition. *)

Section MonadMorphism.

  Context (M : Type -> Type) (MT : Type -> Type).

  Context (M_Monad : Monad M) (N_Monad : Monad MT)
          (EqmRM : EqmR M) (EqmRN : EqmR MT).

  Class Morph :=
    morph : forall (A : Type), (M A) -> (MT A).

  Context {M_morph : Morph}.

  Class MorphRet : Prop :=
    morph_ret : forall (A B : Type) (R : A -> B -> Prop) (x : A) (x' : B),
      R x x' ->
      morph A (ret (m := M) x) ≈{R} ret (m := MT) x'.

  (* morph (`bind` ma k) = `bind` (morph ma) (morph . k) *)
  Class MorphBind : Prop :=
    morph_bind : forall (A1 A2 B1 B2 : Type) (RA : A1 -> A2 -> Prop) (RB : B1 -> B2 -> Prop) ma ma' (k : A1 -> M B1) (k': A2 -> M B2),
      eqmR (m := M) RA ma ma' ->
      (forall a a', RA a a' -> k a ≈{RB} k' a') ->
      morph B1 (bind ma k) ≈{RB} bind (morph A2 ma') (fun x => morph B2 (k' x)).

  Class MorphProper : Prop :=
    morph_proper : forall (R1 R2 : Type) (RR : R1 -> R2 -> Prop),
      ProperH (eqmR RR ~~> eqmR RR) (morph R1) (morph R2).

  Class IterMorphism {M_MonadIter: Basics.MonadIter M} {MT_MonadIter: Basics.MonadIter MT} : Prop :=
    morph_iter : forall I R t t' (i : I),
      (forall (i : I), eqmR (m := MT) eq (morph _ (t i)) (t' i)) ->
      eqmR (m := MT) (@eq R) (morph _ (Basics.iter t i)) (Basics.iter t' i).

  Class MonadMorphism := {
      MM_EQM :> EQM MT EqmRN;
      MM_morph_ret :> MorphRet;
      MM_morph_bind :> MorphBind;
      MM_morph_proper :> MorphProper;

End MonadMorphism.

Arguments MorphRet _ _ {_ _ _} _.
Arguments MorphBind _ _ {_ _ _ _} _.
Arguments MonadMorphism _ _ {_ _ _ _} _.
Arguments IterMorphism {_ _ _} _ {_ _}.
Arguments morph / {_ _ _ _}.
Arguments morph_ret {_ _ _ _ _ _ _} [_ _].
Arguments morph_bind {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} [_ _ _ _].
Arguments morph_proper {_ _ _ _ _ _} [_ _].
Arguments morph_iter {_ _ _ _ _ _ _} [_ _].

Section EqmRMonadTransformer.

  Context (T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type).

  Class MonadT (T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) := {
    lift :> forall m {Monad_m : Monad m}, Morph m (T m);
    MT_Monad :> forall (m : Type -> Type), Monad m -> Monad (T m);
    MT_EqmR :> forall (m : Type -> Type), EqmR m -> EqmR (T m);

  Class MonadTLaws (T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) {MT : MonadT T} := {
        forall (m : Type -> Type) (Monad_m : Monad m) (EqmR_m : EqmR m) (EQM_m : EQM m EqmR_m),
        @MonadMorphism m (T m) Monad_m (MT_Monad m Monad_m) EqmR_m (MT_EqmR m EqmR_m) (lift m)

End EqmRMonadTransformer.

Arguments lift / {_ _ _ _} [A].

(* Monad transformers compose to make a monad transformer. *)
#[global] Instance compose_MonadT (S T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type)
 {S_MonadT : MonadT S} {T_MonadT : MonadT T} : MonadT (fun x => S (T x)).
  constructor; repeat intro; try typeclasses eauto.
  - exact (lift (T := S) (lift (T := T) X)).

(* Iterative monads are monads have an iter operator which satisfies iterative
   laws for the equational theory that they carry . *)

Class IterativeMonad (M : Type -> Type) := {
  IM_Monad :> Monad M;
  M_EqmR :> EqmR M;
  IM_MonadIter :> MonadIter M;}.

Class WF_IterativeMonad (M : Type -> Type) (IM_Monad : Monad M) (M_EqmR : EqmR M) (IM_MonadIter : MonadIter M) := {
  M_EQM :> EQM M M_EqmR;
  M_Iterative :> Iterative (Kleisli M) sum;
  M_ProperIter :> @ProperIterH M _ _;}.

(* Iterative monad transformers lift iterative monads into iterative monads. *)
Class IterativeMonadT (T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) := {
  T_MonadT :> MonadT T;
  T_MonadIter :> forall (m : Type -> Type), Monad m -> MonadIter m -> MonadIter (T m);}.

Global Hint Mode IterativeMonadT ! : typeclasses_instances.
Global Hint Mode T_MonadIter ! ! ! ! ! : typeclasses_instances.

(* Iterative monad transformers compose to make a iterative monad transformer. *)
#[global] Instance compose_IterativeMonadT {S T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type} `{IterativeMonadT S} `{IterativeMonadT T}:
  IterativeMonadT ((fun x => S (T x))).
  constructor; try typeclasses eauto.

Class WF_IterativeMonadT (T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) (T_MonadT : MonadT T)
  (T_MonadIter : forall (m : Type -> Type), Monad m -> MonadIter m -> MonadIter (T m)) := {
  (* Rules w.r.t. iteration body *)
  T_Iterative :> forall (m : Type -> Type) `{WF_IterativeMonad m},
      Iterative (Kleisli (T m)) sum;
  (* Rules w.r.t indexing of iter *)
  T_ProperIter :> forall M `{WF_IterativeMonad M},
      ProperIterH (T M);
 (* Monad transformer laws*)
    T_MonadTLaws :> MonadTLaws T;}.

Global Hint Mode WF_IterativeMonadT ! ! ! : typeclasses_instances.

(* The well-formedness condition for iterative monad transformers are preserved
  under composition. *)

#[global] Instance compose_WF_IterativeMonadT {S T : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type}
 `{WF_IterativeMonadT S} `{WF_IterativeMonadT T}:
  WF_IterativeMonadT ((fun x => S (T x))) _ _.
  econstructor; try typeclasses eauto.
  2 : {
    repeat intro.
    destruct H.
    pose proof (T_ProperIter0 (T M)).
    specialize (H _ _ _).
    repeat red in H. eapply H; eauto.
    econstructor; try typeclasses eauto.
  repeat intro. destruct H. eapply T_Iterative0; econstructor; try typeclasses eauto.
    repeat intro. destruct H.
    constructor; eauto.
    destruct T_MonadTLaws0.
    pose proof (MT_MonadMorphism0 (T m) _ _ _).
    constructor; try typeclasses eauto.
    all : destruct H; repeat intro.
    - repeat intro; eauto.
      repeat red in MM_morph_proper0. cbn in MM_morph_proper0.
      specialize (MM_morph_proper0 A A eq ((let (lift0, _, _) := T_MonadT1 in lift0) m Monad_m A (ret x))).
      rewrite MM_morph_proper0.
      eapply MM_morph_ret; try typeclasses eauto; eauto.
      eapply MM_morph_ret; try typeclasses eauto; eauto.
    - repeat intro; eauto.
      repeat red in MM_morph_proper0. cbn in MM_morph_proper0.
      specialize (MM_morph_proper0 B1 B1 eq ((let (lift0, _, _) := T_MonadT1 in lift0) m Monad_m B1 (x <- ma;; k x))).
      rewrite MM_morph_proper0.
      eapply MM_morph_bind; try typeclasses eauto; eauto.
      eapply MM_morph_proper; try typeclasses eauto; eauto.
      eapply MM_morph_proper; try typeclasses eauto; eauto.
      eapply MM_morph_bind; try typeclasses eauto; eauto. eapply reflexivity.
      intros; subst; reflexivity.
    - cbn.
      eapply MM_morph_proper; try typeclasses eauto.
      eapply MM_morph_proper; try typeclasses eauto. eauto.