
Iterative laws for state monad

Section State.
  Variable M : Type -> Type.
  Variable S : Type.
  Context {inh_S : inhabited S}.

  Context {EQMR : EqmR M}.
  Context {HM: Monad M}.
  Context {HEQP: EQM M EQMR}.

  Context {IM: MonadIter M}.
  Context {CM: Iterative (Kleisli M) sum}.

  Definition iso {a b:Type} (sab : S * (a + b)) : (S * a) + (S * b) :=
    match sab with
    | (s, inl x) => inl (s, x)
    | (s, inr y) => inr (s, y)

  Definition iso_inv {a b:Type} (sab : (S * a) + (S * b)) : S * (a + b) :=
    match sab with
    | inl (s, a) => (s, inl a)
    | inr (s, b) => (s, inr b)

  Definition internalize {a b:Type} (f : Kleisli (stateT S M) a b) : Kleisli M (S * a) (S * b) :=
    fun (sa : S * a) => f (snd sa) (fst sa).

  Lemma internalize_eq {a b:Type} (f g : Kleisli (stateT S M) a b) :
    eq2 f g <-> eq2 (internalize f) (internalize g).
    - intros.
      repeat red. intros. subst. destruct a0.
      unfold internalize. cbn. repeat red in H. specialize (H a0 s _ eq_refl).
      eapply Proper_eqmR.
      symmetry. apply HeterogeneousRelations.prod_rel_eq. auto.
    - intros.
      repeat red. intros.
      unfold internalize in H. repeat red in H. subst.
      repeat intro. subst.
      specialize (H (s', a0)). cbn in *.
      eapply Proper_eqmR.
      apply HeterogeneousRelations.prod_rel_eq. auto. subst; auto.

  Lemma internalize_cat {a b c} (f : Kleisli (stateT S M) a b) (g : Kleisli (stateT S M) b c) :
    (internalize (f >>> g)) ((internalize f) >>> (internalize g)).
    repeat red. repeat intro. subst.
    destruct a0.
    unfold internalize.
    unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli.
    cbn. reflexivity.

  Lemma internalize_pure {a b c} (f : Kleisli (stateT S M) a b) (g : S * b -> S * c) :
    internalize f >>> pure g (internalize (f >>> (fun b s => ret (g (s,b))))).
    repeat red. repeat intro; subst.
    destruct a0.
    unfold internalize, cat, Cat_Kleisli. cbn.
    apply Proper_bind with (RR := eq); [ reflexivity | ].
    intros; subst. unfold pure. destruct a2; reflexivity.

  Global Instance Iter_stateTM: Iter (Kleisli (stateT S M)) sum.
      (fun (a b : Type) (f : a -> S -> M (S * (a + b))) (x:a) (s:S) =>
        iter ((internalize f) >>> (pure iso)) (s, x)).

  Ltac pacify :=
    cbn; intros; subst; eapply Proper_eqmR; [ apply HeterogeneousRelations.prod_rel_eq | ].

  Global Instance Proper_Iter_stateTM : forall a b, @Proper (Kleisli (stateT S M) a (a + b) -> (Kleisli (stateT S M) a b)) (eq2 ==> eq2) iter.
    destruct CM.
    repeat red.
    intros a b x y H a0 s ? ->. pacify.
    apply iterative_proper_iter; auto.
    repeat red. intros; subst. eapply Proper_bind.
    apply internalize_eq; auto.
    intros; subst; reflexivity.

  Global Instance IterUnfold_stateTM : IterUnfold (Kleisli (stateT S M)) sum.
  destruct CM.
  unfold IterUnfold.
  intros a b f.
  repeat red.
  intros a0 s ? ->.
  unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli.
  unfold iter, Iter_stateTM.
  rewrite iterative_unfold. (* SAZ: why isn't iter_unfold exposed here? *)
  unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli.
  simpl. pacify.
  rewrite bind_bind.
  apply Proper_bind with (RR := eq); [ reflexivity | ].
  intros; subst; auto. unfold pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
  destruct a2, s0;cbn in *; reflexivity.

  Global Instance IterNatural_stateTM : IterNatural (Kleisli (stateT S M)) sum.
    destruct CM.
    unfold IterNatural.
    intros a b c f g.
    repeat red.
    intros a0 s ? ->.
    setoid_rewrite iterative_natural; auto.
    apply iterative_proper_iter.
    repeat red.
    destruct a1.
    unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli.
    cbn. intros; subst. do 2 rewrite bind_bind. cbn.

    apply Proper_bind with (RR := eq) ; [ reflexivity | ..]; intros; subst.
    - destruct a3. destruct s1. unfold pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
      cbn. unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli. cbn. rewrite bind_bind. do 2 rewrite bind_ret_l.
      cbn. unfold id_, Id_Kleisli. unfold pure. rewrite bind_ret_l. reflexivity.
      unfold pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
      cbn. unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli. cbn. rewrite bind_bind.
      apply Proper_bind with (RR := eq); [ reflexivity | ..]; intros; subst; rewrite bind_ret_l; cbn.
      + destruct a3; reflexivity.

  Lemma internalize_pure_iso {a b c} (f : Kleisli (stateT S M) a (b + c)) :
    ((internalize f) >>> pure iso) (fun sa => (bind (f (snd sa) (fst sa))) (fun sbc => ret (iso sbc))).
    repeat intro; subst; reflexivity.

  Lemma eq2_to_eq1 : forall a b (f g : Kleisli (stateT S M) a b) (x:a) (s:S),
      eq2 f g ->
      (f x s) ≈{eq} (g x s).
    intros a b f g x s H. repeat red in H.
    specialize (H x s _ eq_refl).
    eapply Proper_eqmR; [ | ..]. symmetry.
    apply HeterogeneousRelations.prod_rel_eq. auto.

  Lemma iter_dinatural_helper:
    forall (a b c : Type) (f : Kleisli (stateT S M) a (b + c)) (g : Kleisli (stateT S M) b (a + c)),
      internalize (f >>> case_ g inr_) >>> pure iso internalize f >>> pure iso >>> case_ (internalize g >>> pure iso) inr_.
    destruct CM.
    intros a b c f g.
    repeat red. intros. subst.
    unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli, internalize.
    do 2 rewrite bind_bind.
    apply Proper_bind with (RR := eq); [reflexivity | ..].
    - intros; subst; destruct a0, a2, s1.
      + unfold pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        unfold case_, Case_Kleisli, Function.case_sum.
      + unfold pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        unfold case_, Case_Kleisli, Function.case_sum.
          cbn. rewrite bind_ret_l. reflexivity.

  Global Instance IterDinatural_stateTM : IterDinatural (Kleisli (stateT S M)) sum.
    destruct CM.
    unfold IterDinatural.
    repeat red.
    intros a b c f g a0 a1. intros; subst.
    unfold iter, Iter_stateTM.
    eapply transitivity. cbn. intros; subst.
    eapply Proper_eqmR; [ apply HeterogeneousRelations.prod_rel_eq | ].
    eapply iterative_proper_iter; auto.
    apply iter_dinatural_helper.
    repeat intro; subst.
    eapply Proper_eqmR; [ apply HeterogeneousRelations.prod_rel_eq | ].
    rewrite iterative_dinatural; auto.
    unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli.
    rewrite bind_bind.
    unfold internalize. cbn in H; subst.
    apply Proper_bind with (RR := eq) ; [ cbn ; reflexivity | .. ]; intros; subst.
    - repeat red.
      destruct a2 as [s [x | y]].
      + unfold pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        eapply iterative_proper_iter; auto.
        repeat red. intros. destruct a1.
        cbn. rewrite bind_bind. intros; subst. rewrite bind_bind.
        apply Proper_bind with (RR := eq) ; [ reflexivity | ..]; intros; subst.
        * destruct a2 as [s'' [x' | y]].
          ** cbn. rewrite bind_ret_l. unfold case_, Case_Kleisli, Function.case_sum.
          ** cbn. rewrite bind_ret_l. unfold case_, Case_Kleisli, Function.case_sum.
             rewrite bind_ret_l. reflexivity.
      + unfold pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        cbn. reflexivity.

  Instance Proper_cat_Kleisli_eqmR {a b c}
    : @Proper (Kleisli M a b -> Kleisli M b c -> _)
              (eq2 ==> eq2 ==> eq2) cat.
    repeat intro.
    unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli. subst. eapply Proper_bind; auto.
    repeat red in H. eauto.
    all : intros; subst; eauto.

  Global Instance IterCodiagonal_stateTM : IterCodiagonal (Kleisli (stateT S M)) sum.
    destruct CM.
    unfold IterCodiagonal.
    intros a b f.
    unfold iter, Iter_stateTM.
    repeat red.
    intros. subst.
    eapply transitivity.
    repeat intro; subst; auto.
    eapply Proper_eqmR; [ apply HeterogeneousRelations.prod_rel_eq | ].
    eapply iterative_proper_iter.
    eapply Proper_cat_Kleisli_eqmR.

    assert (internalize (fun (x:a) (s:S) => iter (internalize f >>> pure iso) (s, x))
                       iter (internalize f >>> pure iso)).
    { repeat red. intros; subst.
      destruct a1.
      unfold internalize.
      cbn. reflexivity.
    } cbn in H; subst.
   apply H0. repeat intro; subst ;reflexivity.
   eapply transitivity.

   eapply iterative_proper_iter.
   apply iterative_natural. auto.
   rewrite iterative_codiagonal. cbn in H; subst.
   eapply iterative_proper_iter.
   unfold pure at 3. unfold cat at 4. unfold Cat_Kleisli. cbn.
   repeat intro. subst.
   cbn. rewrite bind_bind.
   unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli. cbn. rewrite bind_bind. rewrite bind_bind.
   unfold internalize, pure. cbn.
   eapply Proper_bind; [ reflexivity | ..].
   { intros; subst. rewrite bind_ret_l.
     destruct a3 as [s'' [x | [y | z]]].
     - cbn. unfold id_, Id_Kleisli, pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli. rewrite bind_bind. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        cbn. unfold inl_, Inl_Kleisli, pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
     - cbn. unfold id_, Id_Kleisli, pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli. rewrite bind_bind. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        cbn. unfold inl_, Inl_Kleisli, pure. unfold inr_, Inr_Kleisli, pure.
        rewrite bind_ret_l. reflexivity.
     - cbn. unfold id_, Id_Kleisli, pure. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli. rewrite bind_bind. rewrite bind_ret_l.
        cbn. unfold inl_, Inl_Kleisli, pure. unfold inr_, Inr_Kleisli, pure.
        rewrite bind_ret_l. reflexivity.

  Global Instance Iterative_stateTM : Iterative (Kleisli (stateT S M)) sum.
  typeclasses eauto.

  Global Instance Iter_stateTM_eq : Iter (Kleisli (stateT S M)) sum := @Iter_Kleisli _ MonadIter_stateT0.

  Lemma Iter_stateTM_equivalent :
    forall a b t, @iter _ (Kleisli (stateT S M)) _ Iter_stateTM_eq a b t @iter _ _ _ Iter_stateTM a _ t.
    repeat intro. subst. unfold iter, Iter_stateTM, Iter_stateTM_eq, Iter_Kleisli, iter.
    unfold Basics.iter, MonadIter_stateT0. unfold Basics.iter.
    pose proof @iterative_proper_iter. repeat red in H.
    specialize (H0 _ (Kleisli M) _ _ _ sum _ _ _ _ _).
    repeat red in H0. unfold iter, Iter_Kleisli, Basics.iter in H. pacify. eapply H0.
    repeat intro. repeat red. unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli, internalize, pure.
    eapply Proper_bind; [ reflexivity | ..]; intros; subst; destruct a3; cbn; destruct s0; reflexivity.

  Lemma Iter_stateTM_eqmR:
    forall a b t s (i:a), @iter _ (Kleisli (stateT S M)) _ Iter_stateTM_eq _ b t i s ≈{eq} @iter _ _ _ Iter_stateTM a _ t i s.
    repeat intro. subst. unfold iter, Iter_stateTM, Iter_stateTM_eq, Iter_Kleisli, iter.
    unfold Basics.iter, MonadIter_stateT0. unfold Basics.iter.
    pose proof @iterative_proper_iter. repeat red in H.
    specialize (H _ (Kleisli M) _ _ _ sum _ _ _ _ _).
    repeat red in H. unfold iter, Iter_Kleisli, Basics.iter in H. eapply H.
    repeat intro. repeat red. unfold cat, Cat_Kleisli, internalize, pure.
    eapply Proper_bind; [ reflexivity | ..]; intros; subst; destruct a2; cbn; destruct s1; reflexivity.

  Global Instance Iterative_stateTM_ : Iterative (Iter_C := Iter_stateTM_eq) (Kleisli (stateT S M)) sum.
    constructor; red; intros.
    - rewrite Iter_stateTM_equivalent.
      eapply IterUnfold_stateTM.
    - do 2 rewrite Iter_stateTM_equivalent.
      eapply IterNatural_stateTM.
    - repeat rewrite Iter_stateTM_equivalent.
      eapply IterDinatural_stateTM.
    - repeat rewrite Iter_stateTM_equivalent.
      eapply IterCodiagonal_stateTM.
    - red. intros. repeat rewrite Iter_stateTM_equivalent.
      eapply Proper_Iter_stateTM; auto.

End State.

Section StateIter.

  (* N.B. Keeping this instance local keeps the Iter instance resolution not
    loop between Kleisli_MonadIter and Iter_Kleisli in the global context *)

  #[local] Instance Kleisli_MonadIter (m : Type -> Type) `{Iter _ (Kleisli m) sum} : MonadIter m :=
    fun a b => iter.

  #[global] Instance stateT_IterativeMonadT {S} (inh_S : inhabited S):
    IterativeMonadT (stateT S) :=
    {| T_MonadT := MonadT_StateT S _;
      T_MonadIter := fun (m : Type -> Type) (Mm : Monad m) (MIm : MonadIter m) =>
                        @Kleisli_MonadIter (stateT S m) (@Iter_stateTM_eq m S Mm MIm);

  #[global] Program Instance stateT_WF_IterativeMonadT {S} (inh_S : inhabited S):
    WF_IterativeMonadT (stateT S) _ _:=
    {| T_MonadTLaws := @MonadTransformer_StateT _ inh_S |}.
  Next Obligation.
    repeat intro. subst. destruct H.
    repeat red in M_ProperIter.
    eapply M_ProperIter; eauto. repeat red. intros; subst; eauto.
    destruct a0.
    eapply Proper_bind; eauto; intros; subst. cbn. cbn in H0; subst. eapply H0; eauto.
    5 : { exact (fun '(s1, a1) '(s2, a2) => RA a1 a2 /\ s1 = s2). }
    destruct a3; destruct H; eauto.
    destruct a3; destruct H; eauto.
    destruct H3; eauto. subst.
    eapply eqmR_ret; try typeclasses eauto.
    repeat inv H; repeat inv H4; repeat constructor; eauto. constructor; eauto.

End StateIter.