
EqmR-related laws for the state monad.

Section StateEq.
  Variable S : Type.

  Definition state (s a : Type) : Type :=
    s -> s * a.

  Definition eqmR_state (A B : Type) (R : relationH A B) :=
    fun (x : state S A) (y : state S B) =>
      forall (s : S),
        R (snd (x s)) (snd (y s)) /\ fst (x s) = fst (y s).

  Lemma equal_typ {A} {x : A} : x = x. reflexivity. Qed.

   Instance EqmR_state : EqmR (state S) := {|eqmR := eqmR_state|}.

  (* Couple properties about state mayRet. *)
  Definition state_prop {A : Type} (ma : state S A) :=
    (fun a : A => exists s s', ma s = (s', a)).

  Definition const_state {A : Type} (s : S) (a : A) : S -> (S * A) :=
    fun s => (s, a).

  Lemma mayRet_state {A:Type} (ma : state S A) (a : A) :
    (exists s s' : S, (ma s) = (s', a)) <->
    a ma.
    split. intro.
    - edestruct H as (? & ? & ?); clear H.
      red. red. repeat intro.
      red in EQR; unfold eqmR_state in EQR.
      specialize (EQR x). crunch. subst. rewrite H0 in H; auto.
    - intros EQR. repeat red in EQR.
      epose (state_prop ma : A -> Prop) as Q.
      assert (eqmR (diagonal_prop Q) ma ma).
      { intro. cbn. split.
        - intros.
          unfold state_prop. split. repeat red.
          exists s. destruct (ma s) eqn: Hma. cbn in *. subst. eauto.
          exists s. destruct (ma s) eqn: Hma. cbn in *. subst. eauto.
        - reflexivity.
      specialize (EQR (diagonal_prop Q) (diagonal_prop_PER Q) H).
      unfold diagonal_prop in EQR.
      destruct EQR. clear H1 H.
      edestruct H0 as (? & ? & ?).

  (* The eqmR_state definition is EqmR_OK. *)
  Ltac destruct_hyp :=
    match goal with
    | [H : (_ /\ _) /\ fst (?x ?s0) = fst (?y ?s1) |- _] =>
      destruct H as ((? & ?) & ?); destruct (x s0) eqn: ?HX;
      destruct (y s1) eqn : ?HY; cbn in *; subst
    | [H : (_ /\ _) /\ _ = _ |- _] =>
      destruct H as ((? & ?) & <-)

  Ltac rewrite_eq :=
    do 2 match goal with
    | [H : forall _, ?x = _ -> _ |- _] => destruct (H x) as (? & ? & <-); try reflexivity; clear H
    end; eauto.

  Ltac ok_crush :=
    cbn in *;
    match goal with
    | [ x : S , H : eqmR_state _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => specialize (H x)
    destruct_hyp; split; [ split | ]; auto; intros * <-; rewrite_eq.

  Instance eqmR_conj_state: RelConj (state S).
    intros A B R1 R2 ma mb H H0.
    cbn in *. unfold eqmR_state in *.
    intros. split; cycle 1.
    specialize (H s); specialize (H0 s). crunch.
    specialize (H s). crunch. subst.
    specialize (H0 s). crunch. subst. eauto.
    specialize (H0 s). crunch. subst. eauto.

  Lemma eqmR_transport_refl_St:
    forall (A : Type) (R : relationH A A), Reflexive R -> Reflexive (eqmR R).
    repeat intro. split; eauto.

  Instance eqmR_Proper_eq_St:
    forall A B : Type, Proper (eq_rel ==> eqmR (@eq A) ==> eqmR (@eq B) ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl) eqmR.
    repeat intro. split; eauto; repeat red in H0, H1, H2; edestruct H0, H1, H2.
    - apply H. rewrite H3, H5. eauto.
    - edestruct H0, H1, H2. rewrite H4, H6. eauto.
      Unshelve. all: eauto.

  (* State monad is a monad. *)
  Definition ret_state (A : Type) (x : A) := fun s : S => (s, x).

  Definition bind_state (A B : Type) (sa : state S A) (f : A -> state S B) :=
    (fun s : S => (f (snd (sa s)) (fst (sa s)))).

  Global Instance Monad_state : Monad (state S) :=
      ret := ret_state;
      bind := bind_state

  Global Instance MonadState_state : MonadState S (state S) :=
      get := (fun x => (x, x));
      put := (fun v => (fun _ => (v, tt)))

  Ltac unfold_state := unfold fmap, bind, Monad_state, bind_state, ret, ret_state; cbn in *.

  Instance eqmR_prod_fst_inv_state : FmapFst (state S).
    repeat intro.
    repeat red in H. unfold_state.
    specialize (H s); crunch;
      destruct (m1 s) eqn: Hma; destruct (m2 s) eqn: Hma';
        cbn in *; subst; auto.
    destruct p, p0; inv H; eauto.

  Instance eqmR_prod_snd_inv_state : FmapSnd (state S).
    repeat intro.
    repeat red in H. unfold_state.
    specialize (H s); crunch;
      destruct (m1 s) eqn: Hma; destruct (m2 s) eqn: Hma';
        cbn in *; subst; auto.
    destruct p, p0; inv H; eauto.

  Instance eqmR_prod_rel_state : RelProd (state S).
    intros. red. split; eauto. red in H, H0.
    unfold eqmR_state in *.
    destruct (snd (m1 s)) eqn: Hm1.
    destruct (snd (m2 s)) eqn: Hm2.
    cbn in *. constructor; eauto.
    specialize (H s); specialize (H0 s).
    rewrite Hm1 in H, H0.
    rewrite Hm2 in H, H0.
    crunch. cbn in *; eauto.
    specialize (H s); specialize (H0 s).
    rewrite Hm1 in H, H0.
    rewrite Hm2 in H, H0.
    crunch. eauto. cbn in *; eauto.
    cbn in *; unfold eqmR_state in *; crunch; eauto.
    specialize (H s); specialize (H0 s). crunch.
    unfold bind_state, ret_state in *. cbn in *. eauto.

  Instance eqmR_sum_inl_state : FmapInl (state S).
    repeat intro.
    repeat red in H. unfold_state.
    specialize (H s); crunch;
      destruct (m1 s) eqn: Hma; destruct (m2 s) eqn: Hma';
        cbn in *; subst; auto.

  Instance eqmR_sum_inr_state : FmapInr (state S).
    repeat intro.
    repeat red in H. unfold_state.
    specialize (H s); crunch;
      destruct (m1 s) eqn: Hma; destruct (m2 s) eqn: Hma';
        cbn in *; subst; auto.

  Instance eqmR_sum_rel_state : RelSum (state S).
    repeat intro.
    repeat red in H. unfold_state.
    split; repeat intro.
    - specialize (H s); crunch;
      destruct (m1 s) eqn: Hma; destruct (m2 s) eqn: Hma';
        cbn in *; subst; auto.
      destruct s1, s3; inv H.
      apply H0. auto. apply H1; auto.
    - specialize (H (A1 + B1)%type (A2 + B2)%type inl inl inr inr (RA RB)).
      assert (inl_P :ProperH (respectfulH A1 A2 (A1 + B1) (A2 + B2) RA (RA RB)) inl inl) by
        (repeat intro; constructor; eauto).
      assert (inr_P: ProperH (respectfulH B1 B2 (A1 + B1) (A2 + B2) RB (RA RB)) inr inr) by
        (repeat intro; constructor; eauto).
      destruct (m1 s) eqn: Hma; destruct (m2 s) eqn: Hma'.
      specialize (H inl_P inr_P s). cbn in *.
      rewrite Hma, Hma' in H; cbn in *.
      crunch; eauto.
      destruct s1, s3; crunch; eauto.

  Lemma eqmR_prod_sum_rel_state :
    forall (A B C : Type) (ma ma' : state S (C + A * B)%type)
      (RA : relationH A A) (RB : relationH B B) (RC : relationH C C),
      (fst_sum <$> ma) ≈{ RC RA } (fst_sum <$> ma') ->
      (snd_sum <$> ma) ≈{ RC RB } (snd_sum <$> ma') -> ma ≈{ RC RA RB } ma'.
    intros. repeat red in H. repeat red in H0.
    intro. specialize (H s); specialize (H0 s). crunch.
    all : unfold fmap, fst_sum, snd_sum in *.
    all : inv H0; inv H; inv H1; inv H2;
      destruct (ma s) eqn: Hma; destruct (ma' s) eqn: Hma'; cbn in *; destruct s1 eqn: Hs1; destruct s3 eqn: Hs3.
    all : eauto.
    all : repeat match goal with
          | [H : inl _ = _ |- _] => inv H
          | [H : inr _ = _ |- _] => inv H
          end; eauto.
    constructor. destruct p, p0. eauto.

  Instance eqmR_transport_PER_state : TransportPER (state S).
    - repeat intro; crunch. repeat red in H0. symmetry. eauto.
      symmetry. edestruct H0. symmetry. eauto.
      edestruct H0. symmetry. eauto.
    - repeat intro. intros. repeat intro. unfold TransitiveH in H.
      cbn in *. unfold eqmR_state in *.
      destruct (x s) eqn: HX.
      specialize (H0 s).
      specialize (H1 s).
      crunch. subst. etransitivity; eauto. rewrite <- HX. auto.
      cbn. rewrite HX in *. cbn in *. subst. auto.

  Instance eqmR_rel_comp_state : RelComp (state S).
    repeat intro. cbn in *. unfold eqmR_state in *.
    intros. specialize (H s). specialize (H0 s).
    destruct H. destruct H0. split; eauto. esplit; split; eauto.
    rewrite H1, H2. auto.

  Instance eqmR_lift_transpose_state : LiftTranspose (state S).
    split; repeat intro; repeat red in H; specialize (H s) ;
      crunch; eauto.

  Instance eqmR_Proper_state :
    forall A B : Type, Proper (eq_rel (A:=A) (B:=B) ==> eq_rel) eqmR.
    repeat intro; split; repeat intro; crunch; repeat red in H0;
      specialize (H0 s); crunch; subst; try eexists; try split;
        eauto; apply H; auto.

  Instance eqmR_Proper_mono_state:
    forall A B : Type,
      Proper (subrelationH (A:=A) (B:=B) ==> subrelationH (B:=state S B)) eqmR.
    repeat intro; crunch; repeat red in H0; specialize (H0 s);
      crunch; subst; eauto.

  Instance eqmR_transport_Equiv_state: TransportEquiv (state S).
    repeat intro; destruct H; split; try typeclasses eauto.
    repeat intro; eauto.
    eapply eqmR_transport_PER_state; split; eauto.
    apply eqmR_transport_PER_state; split; eauto.

  Instance transport_refl : TransportReflexive (state S).
  repeat intro; eauto.

  Instance transport_symm : TransportSymmetric (state S).
  repeat intro; eauto. repeat red in H0. edestruct H0; eauto.

  Instance transport_trans : TransportTransitive (state S).
  repeat intro; eauto. repeat red in H0. edestruct H0, H1; split; subst; eauto.
  rewrite H3. auto.

  Global Instance EqmR_OK_state : EqmR_OK (state S).
    constructor; try typeclasses eauto.

  Opaque mayRet.

  (* EqmRMonad properties for state monad. *)
  Lemma mayRet_image :
    forall A (a: A) ma, (a ma -> image ma a a).
    intros. apply H.

  Lemma image_eqmR_state :
    forall (A : Type) (ma : state S A), ma ≈{ image ma } ma.
    intros. cbn. unfold eqmR_state. intros. cbn.
    destruct (ma s) eqn: Hma.
    cbn in *. split.
    - intros. repeat red. intros. repeat red in EQR.
      edestruct EQR. rewrite Hma in *. cbn in *; auto.
    - reflexivity.

  Instance eqmR_mayRet_l_state : MayRetL (state S).
    rewrite <- mayRet_state in H. edestruct H as (? & ? & ?); clear H.
    cbn in *.
    destruct (ma1 x) eqn: Hma. cbn in *.
    inv H0. rename EQH into H.
    unfold eqmR_state in H. cbn in H.
    specialize (H x). setoid_rewrite Hma in H.
    cbn in *. setoid_rewrite <- mayRet_state.
    destruct (ma2 x) eqn: Hma2. cbn in *.
    crunch. eauto.

  Instance eqmR_mayRet_r_state : MayRetR (state S).
    rewrite <- mayRet_state in H. edestruct H as (? & ? & ?); clear H.
    cbn in *.
    destruct (ma1 x) eqn: Hma. cbn in *.
    inv H0. rename EQH into H.
    unfold eqmR_state in H. cbn in H.
    specialize (H x). setoid_rewrite Hma in H. crunch.
    cbn in *. setoid_rewrite <- mayRet_state.
    exists a. split; eauto. rewrite H1 in H. auto.

  Instance eqmR_ret_state : RetFinal (state S).
    red; intros. cbn. unfold eqmR_state. cbn. intros.
    - eauto.
    - reflexivity.

  Instance eqmR_bind_ProperH_state : ProperBind (state S).
    cbn in *. unfold eqmR_state in *. cbn in *. intro.
    specialize (H s).
    destruct (ma1 s) eqn: Hma1. destruct (ma2 s) eqn: Hma2. cbn in *. subst.

    destruct H.
    specialize (H0 _ _ H). subst.
    edestruct H0; eauto. constructor; eauto.

    unfold bind_state. rewrite Hma1, Hma2. cbn. eauto.
    unfold bind_state. rewrite Hma1, Hma2. cbn. eauto.

  Instance eqmR_bind_ret_l_state : BindRetL (state S).
    red;intros. repeat red. cbn. intros.
    unfold bind_state, ret_state. cbn in *. split; auto.

  Instance eqmR_bind_ret_r_state : BindRetR (state S).
    repeat intro. cbn. split; try split; try reflexivity.

  Instance eqmR_bind_bind_state : BindBind (state S).
    repeat intro. cbn.
    unfold bind_state.
    split; try split; try reflexivity;
      intros; subst.

  Global Instance EqmRMonad_state : EqmRMonadLaws (state S).
    constructor; try typeclasses eauto.
    repeat intro. eapply image_eqmR_state.

  (* EqmRMonadInverses for state monad. *)

  Lemma are_continuations_functions:
    forall {A B : Type} (a : A) (k : A -> state S B) (mb mb' : state S B),
      k a = mb /\ k a = mb' -> mb = mb'.
    intros. destruct H. rewrite <- H, <- H0. reflexivity.

  Context {IS: inhabited S}.

  Instance ret_inv_St : RetInv (state S).
    inv IS.
    repeat intro. repeat red in H.
    edestruct H. crunch; eauto. Unshelve. eauto.

  Definition imageA {A : Type} : relationH A A :=
    fun a a' =>
      forall (R : relationH A A) (PH : PER R), R a a'.

  Definition mayRetA {A : Type} : A -> Prop :=
    (fun (a : A) => imageA a a).

  Instance state_mayRet_bind_inv : MayRetBindInv (state S).
    red; intros.
    apply mayRet_state in H.
    setoid_rewrite <- mayRet_state.
    unfold bind, Monad_state, bind_state in H.
    destruct (ma x) eqn:Hma1.
    exists a. split; eauto; eauto.

  Lemma fmap_inv_state_hetero :
    forall (A B : Type) (ma ma' : state S A) (f f' : A -> B) (R : relationH B B),
      (f <$> ma) ≈{ R } (f' <$> ma') ->
      forall a : A, a ma -> exists a', a' ma' /\ ret (f a) ≈{ R } ret (f' a').
    repeat intro.
    repeat red in H.
    unfold fmap, bind, ret, Monad_state, bind_state, ret_state in H.
    eapply mayRet_state in H0.
    setoid_rewrite <- mayRet_state. crunch.
    destruct (ma' x) eqn: Hma.
    exists a0. specialize (H x). crunch. cbn in *; rewrite H0, Hma in H, H1.
    crunch; eauto.
    eapply eqmR_ret. typeclasses eauto.
    cbn in *.
    rewrite Hma, H0 in H. eauto.

  Definition state_prop_ {A : Type} (ma ma': state S A) :=
    (fun a a' : A => exists s s' s'' : S, (ma s) = (s', a) /\ (ma' s) = (s'', a')).

  Lemma image_state {A:Type} (ma ma': state S A) (a a': A) :
    (exists s s' s'': S, (ma s) = (s', a) /\ (ma' s) = (s'', a')) ->
    image_ _ ma ma' a a'.
    - edestruct H as (? & ? & ?); clear H.
      red. repeat intro.
      red in EQR; unfold eqmR_state in EQR.
      specialize (EQR x). crunch. subst.
      rewrite H, H2 in H0. auto.

  Instance fmap_inv_mayRet_state : FmapInvRet (state S).
    repeat intro.
    repeat red in H.
    unfold fmap, bind, ret, Monad_state, bind_state, ret_state in H.
    eapply mayRet_state in H0.
    specialize (H x). crunch. cbn in *. rewrite H0 in H, H1.
    crunch; eauto. cbn in *; constructor.

  Instance fmap_inv_state_ : FmapInv_mayRet (state S).
    repeat intro.
    Ltac sunfold := unfold fmap, bind, ret, Monad_state, bind_state, ret_state in *; cbn in *; unfold eqmR_state in *.
    specialize (H s). crunch; destruct (ma1 s) eqn: Hma, (ma2 s) eqn: Hma'; cbn in *; subst; eauto.
    red. rewrite<- !mayRet_state; split; eauto.

  Instance eqmR_inv_state : EqmRInv (state S).
    repeat intro. rewrite <- mayRet_state in H0. destruct H0 as (?&?&?).
    repeat red in H. specialize (H x). rewrite H0 in H.
    destruct H; eauto.

  Global Instance EqmRMonadInverses_state : EqmRInversionProperties (state S).
    constructor; try typeclasses eauto.

  Global Instance EQM_state : EQM (state S) _.
    econstructor; typeclasses eauto.

End StateEq.

Example bind_ret_inv_counterexample:
  forall A B (a:A) (b:B) (x y : nat),
    bind (m := state nat) (fun x => (x+1, a)) (fun x => (fun y => (y-1, b))) ≈{eq} ret b.
  repeat red. unfold bind, ret, Monad_state, bind_state, ret_state; cbn.
  intros. split; eauto. lia.

Definition ma : state nat nat := (fun s => if Nat.eqb s 2 then (s, 0) else (s + 1, 1)).

Definition k : nat -> state nat nat := (fun s => if Nat.eqb s 0 then (fun s => (s, s)) else (fun s => (s, 1))).

Lemma ma_mayRet :
  0 ma.
Proof. apply mayRet_state. exists 2. cbn. exists 2; eauto. Qed.

Lemma k_mayRet :
  0 k 0.
Proof. apply mayRet_state. cbn. eauto. Qed.

Lemma bind_mayRet:
  ~ (0 bind ma k).
  intro. apply mayRet_state in H. destruct H as (? & ? & ?).
  cbn in *. unfold bind_state in H.
  unfold ma in H.
  destruct (Nat.eqb x 2) eqn: Hx. cbn in *.
  apply EqNat.beq_nat_true in Hx. subst. inv H. cbn in *. inv H.